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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Police in Zimbabwe claim to have been harassed by 'goblins'

By T.K. Randall
June 9, 2024 · Comment icon 31 comments
Goblin statue.
Superstitious beliefs are commonplace in Zimbabwe. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 Kyoukaa
A totally bizarre story out of Zimbabwe this week concerns alleged 'goblins' that have been plaguing local police.
We've seen some strange reports over the years, but in some parts of the world, local beliefs and superstitions can give rise to stories that tend to be even stranger than most.

This latest example, which comes courtesy of news outlets in Zimbabwe, concerns the Gwambe police base in Bulilima, Matabeleland South which has allegedly been deserted due to officers being harassed and even attacked by "female goblins" in the middle of the night.

"We built a police station for the officers, and initially, they patrolled in pairs," local councillor Mabed Ngulani was quoted as saying. "However, they haven't been able to stay for extended periods."

"[Police officers] described being harassed - bodies being violated, doors opening on their own, and things climbing on the roof - making it impossible to sleep."

There was even a meeting between police officials and village heads to discuss the matter.
"The police from Plumtree withdrew the officers from Gwambe, stating they wouldn't endanger them further," said Ngulani.

The report concludes by noting that officers seemed to be having difficulty finding alternative accommodation, but that they were determined not to be further subjected to the attackers.

So what exactly was going on ?

Perhaps the police officers really were being harassed at night, but it is unlikely that their assailants were literal goblins - it is more likely they were simply interpreting the perpetrators as such.

Ultimately, we may never know for sure what actually took place.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #22 Posted by Resume 4 months ago
Utterly unevidenced garbage claims.  Your usual playground pretend epistomology.
Comment icon #23 Posted by Dejarma 4 months ago
somewhere in Africa a thief shape-shifted into a goat & was jailed- not sure if the poor little goat is still locked up 
Comment icon #24 Posted by Megaro 4 months ago
In a related news story, the Gwambe police force seized several kilos of PCP during a routine traffic stop several days earlier.  
Comment icon #25 Posted by the13bats 4 months ago
On contrary she made tRump look like a complete and total horses ass, the world laughed at him, okay the world laughs at him a lot. And as far as creepy the list of women trump has creeped out just keeps growing.   When tRump loses yet again hope you will be okay and not tantruming off the forum in a bigger unhinged meltdown than you did 2020. Oh and is "bad orange man" aka convicted felon.   Okay now back to the goblins of Zimbabwe, hum, sounds like a new reality show.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Alchopwn 4 months ago
"[Police officers] described being harassed - bodies being violated, doors opening on their own, and things climbing on the roof - making it impossible to sleep." So... Zimbabwean police have been sexually assaulted by goblins now?  That's gotta be a huge vote of confidence in Law and Order for the whole country.
Comment icon #27 Posted by Piney 3 months ago
Howacome Native American Akicita never see this kind of **** with everything we have going on?  Our biggest problems are angry drunks and the Bloods gang.  
Comment icon #28 Posted by Crabby Kitten 3 months ago
I would like more details. How, for example, they came up with the idea these are females and goblins. Although these isolated villages and towns in remote Africa tend to be traditional with more folklore and magical beliefs, police would surely be rational so something is actually freaking them out. Even police in countries over Europe, America, Australia, ect have encountered weird things that they can only pin as supernatural. 
Comment icon #29 Posted by the13bats 3 months ago
There's a monsterquest episode where a very sincere police man makes claims of a flying witch came at his cop car knocking him out etc, We do have these alleged experiences but the thing they all lack is supporting evidence. Believers cry that's how it works well then in that way of thinking all folklore, supernatural, paranormal etc claims are to be believed at face value, zero evidence and I admit I'm unable to do that.
Comment icon #30 Posted by DieChecker 3 months ago
Sounds like, from the wording of the article, that these cops were from out of town. And couldnt locate "alternate lodgings". So seems to me that the villagers didnt want them there. Scared them off. Rather than admit to being cowards, the cops contrived a story about goblins. Which, IIRC, is a common scape goat in eastern central Africa. I think Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia, all spread such stories to explain grown men wimping out at one thing or another. "BUT THERE WAS GOBLINS!!" It doesn't say they even saw these goblins, just supposed it was goblins. 
Comment icon #31 Posted by mestlc 3 months ago
So did they have a recent drug bust of some psychoactives? Cause I have a sneaking suspicion here...  I have heard various stories like this from around the world dealing with cops and it does make one wonder lol

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