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The UFO Phenomenon

Retired janitor recalls 1974 UFO sighting in West Lothian, Scotland

By T.K. Randall
August 11, 2024 · Comment icon 47 comments
UFO at night.
What did the man see that night ? Image Credit: Midjourney
The 67-year-old, who was 17 at the time of the sighting, had kept the details of his encounter a secret for 50 years.
Gordon Mackerracher, a retired janitor from West Lothian, can still vividly recall the day he saw a UFO.

He had been walking home one autumn night along the road between Kirknewton and East Calder and had glanced skyward when he caught sight of something very strange in the sky above him.

"I don't know why but I looked to my left and in the sky above me was this brown conical craft traveling in total silence," he recalled.

"I could see the moonlight shining off it. It was funny, as I don't remember being scared when I watched it, although it is possible I was at the time."

Perplexed by what he had witnessed, Gordon walked to a nearby telephone box and called air traffic control at Edinburgh Airport to see if they had picked anything up.

"They went away to check and when the guy came back he told me that nothing had taken off or arrived at Edinburgh in the past hour," he recalled.
"He said their radar did not capture anything during that time either. At first I thought it was maybe circling round to land at Edinburgh airport but obviously not."

"I just told the controller that it didn't matter and headed home."

For a long time, Gordon decided not to tell anyone except his wife about the encounter and it is only now, 50 years later, that he has chosen to reveal his story to the public.

"With maturity I decided I did not care if people thought I was an idiot or seeing things," he said.

"I thought why should I keep this in, people can call me whatever they want."

"Hundreds of people reacted to my story with some reaching out and getting in touch. I did not realize that communities of like minded people existed."

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Comment icon #38 Posted by Hazzard 7 months ago
Good for you ... because that would be extremely embarrasing when we ask for the evidence... as we have seen all to many times with the Birdy. 
Comment icon #39 Posted by Hazzard 7 months ago
What law does the Birdys supersonic object without creating a sonic boom violate?
Comment icon #40 Posted by the13bats 7 months ago
You are talking to one of the two book ends who even refuses the site owners requests to chill on the antics are step up with their evidence you wont get anywhere with them these two have almost completely ruined any actually interesting discussions in these sections , i thought having multi accounts was against rules or did he just change his user name?
Comment icon #41 Posted by MrAnderson 7 months ago
I don't get you here. You asked me a question and I answered. How did you manage to jump to skyeagle? Some of these objects are known not to produce sounds and that's gave been recorded by various witnesses including myself. Now there are two scenarios, either everyone is lying or they don't produce sounds. You can choose there is no problem.
Comment icon #42 Posted by MrAnderson 7 months ago
On the question you asked me travelling into the past it's like going to a state that has a smaller entropy. But we know that the entropy of the universe increases.
Comment icon #43 Posted by ChrLzs 7 months ago
And as a practising drop bear, I share your attitude.  I think that means everyone is the same, doesn't it?
Comment icon #44 Posted by ChrLzs 7 months ago
From an investigative point of view, you should never postulate something for which there is no hard evidence (eg aliens visiting earth, let alone just aliens), as an option to explain something.  It's a useless postulate.  See if you can work out why that is. 
Comment icon #45 Posted by MrAnderson 7 months ago
I am not getting you here. It's a real possibility that some of these objects are of alien origin. The UFOs we are interested and not meteors, lights, or weather balloons. These are attempts to explain away the phenomenon. We are talking about mechanical objects under intelligent control just as many (including pilots) have described them. Nobody has prove yet what they are. And there is no evidence either way that these objects are man made or from somewhere else.
Comment icon #46 Posted by ChrLzs 7 months ago
No, I didn't think you would.  I won't bother you further.  No listen, no learn = no point.
Comment icon #47 Posted by MrAnderson 7 months ago
I ve already answered you it's a real possibility that some of these objects could be of alien origin. You don't need hard evidence to make a hypothesis. You need evidence though to support your hypothesis in science. The same argument was presented in one other thread. If we had hard evidence and proof we won't make any sort of suggestions and speculations and we won't be having this conversation.

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