Satenik Kazaryan from Armenia made headlines a few years ago due to her remarkable medical condition.
A crystal clear photograph taken by the Opportunity rover shows an unidentified object sitting nearby.
For the first time ever, scientists have successfully managed to create time crystals in a laboratory.
In a remarkable breakthrough, microbes trapped inside cave crystals have been brought back to life.
New evidence has revealed that life may have appeared on Earth 300 million years earlier than thought.
A crystal-based storage mechanism has been developed that can store data for millions of years.
Tomas Nunuk and his friends stepped on to ice so clear that it was like walking on a sheet of glass.
A remarkable new type of crystal is capable of absorbing all the oxygen from the air or water around it.
Scientists have identified a zircon crystal in Australia that dates back more than 4.375 billion years.
A Nobel Prize-winning physicist has devised the concept of a mysterious structure called a time crystal.
Author Crystal McVea claims the encounter took place during a recent near-death experience.
A mythical crystal said to be used by Viking sailors to help them navigate might have actually existed.
The makers of the latest Indiana Jones film are being sued over their use of a replica crystal skull.
Theoretical scientists have come up with a way to build a four-dimensional space-time crystal clock.
Mysterious naturally occuring quasicrystals in Russia are believed to be extraterrestrial in origin.
Quasicrystals were thought impossible to occur naturally until geologists came across some in Russia.
Terri Bessler and Crystal Krieger caught sight of the elusive hominid while driving in West Virginia.
A planet formed from a dead star in orbit around a pulsar is believed to have crystallized in to diamond.
The new spectacles contain a thin liquid crystal layer that can change its alignment when needed.
The magnetic equivalent to electricity has been discovered, dubbed magnetricity the phenomenon involves the use of magne...