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Browsing news and articles:
Space & Astronomy

Mars rover records footage of 'dust devil' up to 1.2 miles tall

 VIDEO  10-10-2023 | 1

Estimates suggest that the otherworldly whirlwind was around 5 times the height of the Empire State Building.


Remarkably well preserved dinosaur embryo found inside fossilized egg

8-13-2023 | 6

The incredibly rare specimen was found collecting dust in the back room of a museum in China.

Science & Technology

Tech leaders call for 6-month pause on development of advanced AI

3-30-2023 | 42

More than 1,000 industry leaders and experts have called for a 6-month pause to assess the risks to humanity.

Modern Mysteries

Mystery surrounds reports of 'powder' falling from the sky over US

2-28-2023 | 15

Several Mid-Atlantic states on the East Coast saw reports of a dust-like powder falling from the sky last week.

Space & Astronomy

Five upcoming space missions to look out for in 2023

12-27-2022 | 11

It has been an eventful year for the space industry, but there's much more to come over the next 12 months.

Space & Astronomy

Perseverance rover records audio from a dust devil on Mars

 VIDEO  12-15-2022 | 1

Ever wondered what Mars sounds like ? This intriguing new audio recording offers the chance to find out.

Space & Astronomy

First ever lunar dust samples go up for auction

4-3-2022 | 2

Samples of the lunar surface collected during the Apollo 11 mission are going up for sale and NASA is not happy.

Space & Astronomy

Rover finds organic molecules on the surface of Mars

 VIDEO  12-17-2021 | 2

NASA's Perseverance rover has discovered organic compounds in rocks and dust on the floor of Jezero Crater.

The UFO Phenomenon

Aerospace group pushes for UFO investigation

8-20-2021 | 13

An association of more than 30,000 aerospace industry specialists is calling for further study of UFOs.

Space & Astronomy

Dust and soil from asteroid Ryugu revealed

12-15-2020 | 5

Scientists in Japan have unveiled the contents of the Ryugu sample capsule which recently returned to Earth.

Space & Astronomy

'Oumuamua could be a cosmic 'dust bunny'

9-10-2020 | 1

The cigar-shaped interstellar visitor has remained a topic of heated debate among scientists for several years.


Dust could help make alien worlds habitable

6-10-2020 | 1

Scientists have highlighted the role of dust in cooling or warming an otherwise uninhabitable extrasolar world.

Space & Astronomy

New facility to produce oxygen from Moon dust

1-22-2020 | 11

A new technique could help make it possible for humans to live on the lunar surface in the not-too-distant future.

Science & Technology

Immortality industry 'worth $600bn' by 2025

5-20-2019 | 8

The Bank of America has predicted that extending the human lifespan will soon become a major pursuit.

Space & Astronomy

'Alien' grain offers clues to early solar system

4-29-2019 | 0

Scientists have discovered a grain of dust left over from a stellar explosion that predated our solar system.

Space & Astronomy

Bennu is spewing dust particles in to space

3-21-2019 | 1

Scientists at NASA have revealed that there is a lot more to this unassuming space rock than meets the eye.

Space & Astronomy

Dust ring discovered in Mercury's orbit

3-17-2019 | 2

A dust ring like that found in the orbits of the Earth and Venus has been found in the orbit of Mercury as well.

Space & Astronomy

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover remains silent

10-30-2018 | 85

Things are not looking good for the stricken rover which stopped communicating following a dust storm in June.

Space & Astronomy

Concerns grow as Opportunity remains silent

8-15-2018 | 17

It is looking increasingly likely that the recent Martian dust storm may have silenced the rover for good.

Space & Astronomy

Mars dust storm has encircled the entire planet

6-23-2018 | 85

The dust storm that left the Opportunity rover out of commission is now classed as 'planet-encircling'.

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