Throughout the history of civilization, we've been constantly plagued by all manner of horrific and deadly diseases.
New findings suggest that the plague may have once decimated Neolithic farmers across northern Europe
A family who reported that an object had crashed in their yard last year has since been plagued by paranormal experiences.
A new study has determined the amount of time it would take for a zombie apocalypse to overwhelm a single city.
A bizarre story out of Peru this week concerns a village that has been plagued by mysterious assailants.
A meteor from another solar system landed on Earth back in 2014, but obtaining more information about it has proven challenging.
Researchers Samuel Cohn and Philip Slavin have called into question the role rats played in spreading the plague.
The first launch of NASA's flagship Artemis program has been plagued by technical issues and delays.
The 'Holmfield hum' is so irritating that it has left some people suffering from ill-health and sleep deprivation.
Stephen and Christine Lock have been plagued for years by garden gnomes inexplicably showing up outside their house.
The abduction of two men by alleged alien entities almost 50 years ago remains one of the world's most chilling abduction cases.
While undeniably devastating, the plague was not as widespread or as deadly as has long been believed.
A man dressed in plague doctor attire has been seen hanging around various towns in the Falkirk area.
Rural farms and towns in New South Wales have been dealing with the worst plague of mice in decades.
An Irish farmer who had been plagued by bad luck has blamed a 'curse' caused by a damaged standing stone.
The leak that has plagued the ISS for months has finally been found using a surprisingly low-tech item.
New research suggests that some victims of the plague were buried face down to stop them rising from the dead.
Police in the UK are seeking an individual dressed in full plague doctor attire, complete with pointed 'beak' mask.
An Illinois family has been plagued by what sound like radio broadcasts coming from their walls at night.
A new TV series will explore cases of entire towns that have been incessantly plagued by paranormal activity.