The exact origins of the Beluga whale, which turned up dead earlier this year, had long remained a mystery.
For years, peculiar craters have been inexplicably appearing across Russia's remote Yamal Peninsula.
The recent Covid-19 pandemic is by no means the first to be embroiled in mishaps and mismanagement.
Declassified NSA documents reveal that Russia was known to be in possession of secretive microwave weaponry.
It was believed that the Beluga whale had been part of a secretive Russian marine mammal training program.
A prominent Russian chess player is under criminal investigation following an apparent poisoning attempt.
Known as Ivan the Terrible, the infamous Russian ruler was notorious for his horrific acts of cruelty.
For years, a radio station broadcasting continuously out of Russia has managed to defy explanation.
A new investigation by multiple news outlets has linked the phenomenon to a Russian intelligence unit.
Reports have been circulating this week concerning rumors of a Russian space-based nuclear weapons system.
The Russian space agency had been attempting to become the first to land a probe on the Moon's south pole.
A whale that was previously found wearing a Russian-made harness has been sighted again off Sweden's coast.
The US journalist and UFO investigator spent time in Soviet Russia to investigate its remote viewing experiments.
There is evidence to suggest that the satellite - named Kosmos-2558 - is tailing a confidential US satellite.
The incident, which is being investigated by Russian authorities, could be linked to similar sightings over other countries.
The governor of the region has claimed that local forces have shot down a mysterious spherical object.
Russia is reportedly working on a ground-based laser weapon capable of interfering with satellites in space.
An incredible hoax spanning hundreds of articles on the world's biggest online encyclopedia was recently exposed.
A security guard at an art gallery in Russia was found to have drawn eyes on a highly valuable painting.
Boriska Kipriyanovich has made some fantastical claims about his past life and his purpose on Earth.