The discovery - the largest of its kind ever made - could provide the world with enough lithium to build batteries for decades.
The enormous supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park could erupt with only a few years' warning.
Scientists have discovered evidence of a 'hot zone' feeding a supervolcano in southern Italy.
NASA has come up with an ambitious new plan to cool down the supervolcano by using it as an energy source.
The asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs might have also produced intense volcanic activity.
The Siloe Patera crater on Mars is now believed to be the collapsed center of an enormous volcano.
A chamber containing 11,200 cubic miles of molten rock has been found below Yellowstone National Park.
In the event of an eruption the volcano could spew out 2,000 times the debris of Mount Saint Helen's.
Scientists investigating what causes a supervolcano to erupt believe that they've found the answer.
The supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park is believed to be 2.5 times larger than earlier estimates.
A massive volcano with enough destructive power to destroy the world is forming north of New Zealand.
From killer asteroids to supervolcanoes, doomsday scenarios involving natural disasters have been the subject of specula...
Its one of the most destructive forces on the planet and now scientists have been given the chance to take a glimpse for...
Scientists investigating the consequences of a supervolcano eruption have concluded that in the past these would have cr...
Scientists from New Zealand have determined that Mt. St. Helens could actually be a Supervolcano, with several large vol...