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My strange house

September 30, 2014 | Comment icon 2 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Becks from London, England.
My first strange experience occurred when I was about 8 years old. The house we lived in was a Victorian house so it had some history. The upstairs landing was very long and consisted of 2 bedrooms one end and a bedroom and a bathroom the other end near the stairs. I had the bedroom near the stairs and my parents and brother were at the other end of the hallway. I would always sleep with the bedroom door open and had my bed positioned where I was able to see out into the hallway.

One night in the early hours I woke up and looked into the hallway and noticed a lady standing outside my parents bedroom. As I studied her I saw that she was wearing a large puffy dress with curly hair pulled to the side by some sort of fascinator. She stood watching me and began to move closer along the hallway and soon disappeared. I wouldn't of said I felt frightened as she didn't pose a threat but I obviously felt confused and a little uneasy. The following morning I woke up and went into my parents bedroom and told them what happened in the night, strangely they never disbelieved me and even asked me to draw what I had seen.

A few nights later I woke up again and looked down the hallway only to see this time there was a man standing outside my parents bedroom and once again I was able to study what he was wearing which was some sort of robe/gown with slicked hair and a long mustache. He just stood staring at me and soon disappeared like the woman had previously. Again I was asked by my parents to draw what I had seen. They didn't go into any details at the time with me about my experiences only to tell me the people I had described appeared to fit the period of the house. Being a child I knew very little about 'ghosts' or anything about the Victorian era.

A week had past and I found myself awake again one night only this time my mother was stood outside her bedroom staring at me, I sat up and continued to look and found her coming towards me and she stopped right outside my room at the top of the stairs, but as she turned to face the bathroom door which was shut she walked straight through the door and then another one of her appeared and followed and then another with about a total of ten. Feeling scared and very baffled I waited until the morning and explained to my mum what I had seen and why would I have seen a 'ghost' version of her if she is still alive. My mum spoke to a friend who's mother was very much into anything paranormal and was told that what I had seen was her spirit, my mother's 'aura' which is what is supposedly meant to leave our bodies when we die. The reason for me to see my mother's 'aura' was due to the fact she had been worrying so much about what I had seen her spirit had left her body to keep watch over me at night as some sort of protection.
My mum couldn't take no more and decided to confide in a priest at the local church who said he would 'bless' our house. He turned up one evening reciting prayers as he entered each room flicking holy water from a cup. That night we all went to bed, only this time my mother woke up. As she looked up she saw a lady floating above her staring her in the face, my mother described her as being very similar to Cruella Deville (101 Dalmations), my mum said she looked evil with long thin fingers and long nails and started to lash out as if she was trying to scratch my mum's face, my mum swung her arms in the air to push her away and eventually she disappeared. We can only gather that whatever she was couldn't of been anything nice and was angry that my mum had brought a priest into our house that evening. After that night, nothing had been seen again but I can't rule out nothing had ever happened again, because it did.

Throughout the years as I grew up I discovered many reasons why my parents had never questioned me over what I had seen. They had moved into that house about 12 years before I was born, things started to go missing not long after they had moved in. Objects would go missing only to turn up right in front of you. My dad who is very much a skeptic had seen one night a white blurry figure walk past a doorway in the dark, in was in the middle of the night where there were no reflections no car lights no nothing. The house didn't seem too keen on family members or friends being left alone in the house if my mum and dad wasn't there and would often lock them out the house or inside a room all day until my parents returned. Objects would often get smashed out of the blue. My mum had scatter cushions on our sofas and often found them thrown on the floor if she had popped into another room.

The weirdest of them all was when my mother was pregnant with me, I have an older sister who was 16 at the time and decided she wanted her bedroom painted a different colour, my mum had asked my dad and he refused as he was so busy working. My mum decided she would have a first time go despite being heavily pregnant. My mum only managed to paint one wall and she said it looked awful, she got frustrated and said out loud 'if there is anything or anyone here please help me.' With that she put the brush down for the day and decided she would try and finish it the next day. So the next day arrived she put on her painting clothes opened the bedroom door and was shocked to find the whole room was painted immaculately, to this day they still don't understand what happened.

My parents had a dog too they had at previous properties but as soon as they moved into this house the dog would refuse to go upstairs and would often bark when there was nobody or nothing in the room. Around 20 people over the years, none of them linked or know of any of the strange things have all had their own experiences in the house. Gathering all the weird things we've come to the conclusion it's all very mischievous and playful games rather than anything to fear. My neighbor says her house is haunted and has seen and experienced many things over the years. She said two sisters use to live in her house and one went missing and was never found and she strongly believes hers is haunted by this missing sister.

My parents to this day have lived in this house for around 37 years and are now in the process of selling it. I'd be very interested to know if the next family to move in meet their house guests and experience anything abnormal. This story is just half of what I have experienced. Unlike a lot of people I have had my fair share of paranormal experiences, it doesn't bother me if people choose not to believe, I know everything I've seen and heard, it also doesn't explain why so many others (all adults) have also experienced things in this house too.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Still Waters 10 years ago
That was an interesting read, thank you. The weirdest of them all was when my mother was pregnant with me, I have an older sister who was 16 at the time and decided she wanted her bedroom painted a different colour, my mum had asked my dad and he refused as he was so busy working. My mum decided she would have a first time go despite being heavily pregnant. My mum only managed to paint one wall and she said it looked awful, she got frustrated and said out loud 'if there is anything or anyone here please help me.' With that she put the brush down for the day and decided she would try and finish... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by Avarisa 8 years ago
You missing a point here.. it is said "  to this day they still don't understand what happened" ...don't You think he would tell her that instead of frightening his own pregnant wife? 

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