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True Ghost Stories

The voice of something not human

November 17, 2020 | Comment icon 33 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by Redacted File from Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles.
We used to visit my grandparents in L.A. for Christmas growing up. The top floor bedroom of their L.A. home still housed the beds of my great grandpa and grandma. My parents would stay in these beds when we would visit for Christmas. The bed that was my great grandfathers had the stain from the wax he would wear in his hair still on the fabric cushion of the headboard. In his bed, no one could sleep in without the feeling like someone was standing over you watching you. I was home alone taking a shower in the upstairs bathroom and smelled old school pipe tobacco that was not there. My grandfather used to take a Polaroid picture of the table set for Christmas dinner, often while listening to Sinatra. One time there was a large white mist floating above the table in the picture when it developed.

I used to wake up early in the morning and eat various leftovers, while I would watch Saturday morning cartoons. One morning shortly before Christmas, I tiptoed up the wooden stairs from my room on the main level of the house to ask my father if I could eat something out of the fridge. I remember it being very dark in my parent's room, and I did not see my father in his bed as I peered through the banister. I walked back down to the main level of the house and toward the kitchen past the front door. Just before the kitchen and to the right of the study was the door to the long white hallway that led down to the lower level of the house that contained the laundry room, downstairs apartment, and the door to the outdoor pool.
I opened the door facing the long hallway down. I mustered up the courage in my ten year old self to squeak out in a high-pitched voice asking, 'Dad, are you down there?' I instantly knew I was not alone. I felt an electric tingly chill, and was filled with a sense that I should not have asked that question, and that I should escape as quickly as possible. What I heard back gives me goose bumps to this day. I heard a terrible, hissing and powerful voice, which I could hear with my both ears, but also felt as if it was reverberating throughout my mind and my very soul. The voice said, 'NNOOOO!!!!' Scared does not cover what I felt, primal; consciousness altering, sheer terror would be more accurate. Slamming the door, I ran to my room, I then slammed that door; I dove underneath the false safety of my covers. I waited there for hours, wide-awake until my father entered my room, confused to why I was not out already awake watching transformers or GI Joe. I told him what had happened, and he talked me into following his downstairs so that I could see that he could prove that no one was in any closet or space who could have possibly done such a thing. This pointless act was equally as terrifying, as I was in no doubt about what had just occurred. Of course, we did not find anything, so I was left confused and terrified with only questions. The feeling of dread, and the certainty that we were not actually alone when we thought we were.

Years later, when I was about 17 my father admitted that when he was down there playing as a kid, he'd hear voices but he couldn't understand what they were saying, and hear people walking up and down the stairs that weren't there. I know what you're thinking, someone was waiting downstairs in a closet all night to scare me, or maybe it was some walkey talkey. The house had an alarm, which made a loud audible beep throughout the house, so no one else got in and was attempting to hide downstairs.

There were no baby monitors or other technology to use; a walky-talky would not have produced the perfectly echoing sound, and not the feeling of terror I felt. Only someone who has experienced the electric chill of an experience with a ghost can understand the tangibility of the feeling. Lastly, and most importantly even at that age I know a human voice when I hear it and this was not one. I heard the voice of something that was not human, maybe a demon or an angry ghost; but it still chills me to this day.

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Comment icon #24 Posted by joc 1 year ago
Panther?  I heard one once...scared me to death...I ran like a little girl all the way back to the house.
Comment icon #25 Posted by qxcontinuum 1 year ago
There are no such animals in Romania, it was also a decent  populated area . If I can define the sound it would be something like the cry if a goat, the sound made by a turkey , woolf calling and human screaming.  Fair enough , years later I went camping 800 km away in a forest and I've heard the sound again . When I mentioned in the morning to a ranger he told me it is a possessed women that lives near by . 
Comment icon #26 Posted by joc 1 year ago
 The Eurasian Lynx lives in Romania.  And it screams.  Does this sound anything remotely like what you heard?  
Comment icon #27 Posted by Hankenhunter 1 year ago
Some of them are lost also. Unfinished business is another one. Some were evil in life, and continue in death. Many are afraid to go into the light because of the fear of judgement, and are seeking redemption when in reality, (not this reality) you are your own judge. 
Comment icon #28 Posted by netindtm 1 year ago
This is interesting. This is the first time I hear about us being our own judges. Very interesting ? 
Comment icon #29 Posted by Hankenhunter 1 year ago
Hell was created by the Catholic Church to control their parishioners. It was, and still is one of the greatest con-jobs the world has ever seen. The only hell is the one you make for yourself. Here, and in-between if you don't cross over.
Comment icon #30 Posted by qxcontinuum 1 year ago
Omg this might be it , wow I had nice idea! It does sound like the exorcist right? ? 
Comment icon #31 Posted by joc 1 year ago
yeah it reminds me of the Blair Witch Project.
Comment icon #32 Posted by Shadowsfall 1 year ago
An excellent film ….something a bit different I thought….
Comment icon #33 Posted by Piney 1 year ago
It's actually started as a Buddhist thing.   Hell was created before that with the first Christian sects running around preaching doom and gloom. Demons were created by the Catholic Church out of various old gods and nature spirits which is what a "demon" first was in the Greek world.  Pazuzu, a favorite with exorcists and "demonologists" in "possessed?" children was actually the Mesopotamian guardian of children. 

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