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True Ghost Stories

A conflict of interest

October 22, 2014 | Comment icon 2 comments
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This story was submitted to the site by SneakyDevil from South Jersey, United States.
So, this story has somewhat of a pre-ramble to it. I've always been told by people that my "presence" fills the room. Everyone from Yoga Practitioners to Religious/Spiritual practitioners to people who would then after telling me this introduce themselves as "psychic or spiritually sensitive". I want to think this is a joke but such a wide range of people telling me this makes me think otherwise.

Another odd thing is that ghost “orbs”(you know the ones) follow my directions. We went to Gettysburg to test this once(my mother and I) and after confirming orbs in the area I would say things like “Please gather here” or “Follow me” and then have my mother take a picture. Long story short we confirmed that they listened to me.

Anyway, as far back as I can remember I have been "haunted" by something light and something dark. As in, I've spotted a "white" ghost that did harmless things and a "black"...thing that did harmful things. They both took on various shapes. Sometimes I would see the white ghost in the corner of my vision look like it was chasing something. Sometimes I would see the black thing, haven taken the shape of my current fear, always in the corner of my vision, just being there. Watching me.

Two notable events happened when I was a “kid”.

At my mother's house: I was sleeping on the top bunk(the bottom bed was replaced with a table and whatsits) and I awoke to the door opening. Being a little kid, I had a night light, so I could clearly see that no one came in.(being little I could only see the head of my mother if she came in when I was on the top bunk laying down) So, I was a tad surprised when I hear scrabbling, like something is climbing the ladder. That surprise was replaced with fear when the black shadowy head of a velociraptor poked its head up(my current greatest fear, thanks Jurassic Park). naturally I was frozen in fear as it continued to climb, only finally screaming once it made its way all the way up. The thing is, I don't remember anything after that. The next thing I know I wake up and my door to my room is wide open and the ladder has been ripped off the bunk bed frame.

At my father’s house: I’m sleeping in my bed(a simple double) and there is a thunder storm outside. I wake up to the door to my room opening up, and floating in the doorway is this indirect shape. It was mostly white and humanoid-esque minus the lower body. The “fringes” at the bottom of its “body” were dark faded blue and its “eyes” were pure bright blue. The odd thing was, I wasn't scared at all. Sounds were muted except for the ringing of an old style turn-dial phone that was sitting on my dresser(which wasn't there when I went to bed). I got up went to the phone and answered it by putting the receiver to my ear. Than I turned around and acted like I was handing the phone to the white ghost saying “Its for you”. A lightning flash basically flash-bangs the room and when I can see again, everything is gone. The phone and the ghost have disappeared, all the stuff on my dresser is now scattered on the floor, the rain is pounding on my window and thunder rumbles in the distance.

Things were ‘quiet” for a long time, nothing memorable happened...until Junior year that is.

I had a self-proclaimed spirit sensitive friend(which I only found out about way later) who refused to come to my father’s house, saying that he got hateful vibes from the place. A lot of things happened at the place suddenly, it had no history being that it was actually built by my step grandfather/step grandmother.

Now in my Jr year the basement was renovated and a bedroom was built down there. Mine(not voluntarily of course). It had double french doors set at a diagonal and was in the corner of the basement so everyone could see inside and vice versa. I got curtains that covered up everything but the top row of windows. Occasionally when I looked out the windows I could see something, a dark shape, darker than the shadows around it. Watching me.

First Event: I was sitting in the bar one night(because that is where my computer tower was located) and I had headphones on. Now there was a long history of the “being watched” feeling when it got past everyone else's bed times. This time though, I thought I heard someone say something. I take off my headphones, look around and ask “Hello?” More whisper gibberish which I responded to with “I’m sorry I can’t understand what you are saying.” That is when I heard it. “Help ME! HELP ME! HEL-*GURK*” I ran down to my room as fast as I could and locked the door. I didn't sleep that night.

Second event: This occurred at my mothers house not even a week after the first event. I was dreaming. (At the time I was in the AV Club) In my dream I had one of the cameras from AV club and a tripod, which I carried up to my sister's room. I set up the camera and pointed it at the corner of the room, where my sister's bed was. When I looked into the recording screen it showed the white ghost. I snapped my head up and there it was. No longer poorly defined, I could see it with perfect clarity. Old withered skin, raggedy clothes, missing low half of the body, only it was no longer white, now it was just varying shades of dull and faded blue. It was hunched over in the corner, just floating above my sister's bed. I made a noise of surprise and it turned around. That was when I saw its face frozen in a look of horror. It had two large spikes driven through its head making an X and its eyes were black pits. Then it screamed a high-pitched bone jarring scream.
I woke up in a cold sweat after that.

Preface for the Third, Fourth and Fifth Events: I told no one of any of these things happening to me. No one even thought I was “ghost junkie” until after high school(aside from my mother who thought my only “experience with ghosts” was the Gettysburg thing). Also, the following people had never and still haven't had contact with each other.

Third Event: A friend came to pick me up one night to go play some dodge-ball for charity. When I got into his car he asked me who was on the third floor. When questioned he said that when I came outside he saw a black figure watch me leave through the third floor window. I told him we didn't have a third floor and the the windows on the third floor are just roof windows that let more light onto the second floor, and that there was no place for someone to stand or otherwise balance themselves to appear in the window.

Fourth Event: My mother came to pick me up and we had the same conversation.

Fifth Event: My GF came and picked me up one night.. Repeat of 3/4th event

During all this time, the black one got far more aggressive. Pushing me and my father down stairs, blowing light-bulbs up, slamming on my door and walls. It wasn't constant enough to constitute as proof per say but it was enough to set some alarms of in my mind that maybe this is starting to get beyond the “norm”

Sixth Event: In the basement of my father’s house he have a “back area” with a set of double doors leading to it that have roughly one deadbolt, one chain lock, two standard bar locks and then one ground pole lock for each door I go to sleep one night with my own door locked as well. I wake up at 5am to all the lights in the basement on with me sitting on the couch, eyes wide open and very dry, staring right at those double doors, which had now been basically busted open. My own door was still shut and locked.

Final Event: Just a few days before I left for college I had woken from the best I can tell was a trance. My memories were foggy of what actually happened, but I can tell you what I woke up to. In my head was a trial amulet that I had picked up a few months back during my uncles wedding in Hawaii. On one of my walls was the faint outline of a what looked to be some sort of intricate Wicca/pagan circle. (Never found a match) The walls were burnt in some places very oddly. Like as if fire had burnt them but none of the burning “scars” that would be there(like black smudge) if it had actually burned. I remember the feeling of burning inside me welling up and “spilling out” into the room.

Nothing has happened since then. Not zone outs. No odd events. No paranormal anything.

A few parting words though: Every recording I have tried to make of these events has vanished. Journals, text documents, emails, photos, videos, audio logs... all gone.

Note: I was later able to recreate that feeling years later with just the amulet and concentration and was able to ward off another spirit(which came after me with a vengeance after that) but that is another story.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by thirstyforjane 9 years ago
Seems like you've suffered from this dark entity. Hats off to you for talking about it, personally I crap myself if a light goes out or something. Its good that nothing has happened since 😊
Comment icon #2 Posted by Podo 9 years ago
It sounds like this person has a very overactive imagination, and that they have a difficult time distinguishing fact from fiction.

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