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Did my dead best friend talk to me?

June 24, 2020 | Comment icon 8 comments
Image Credit: sxc.hu
This story was submitted to the site by KmT29 from England.
Hi guys... I'm kinda new to this website so please bare with me... I needed to put this out there, for my own sanity if nothing else. I think this is an appropriate place - because it's to do with my best friend who died last Summer.

A bit of back story.

My best friend of 15 years, Matthew, he died really suddenly and quite violently. He had suffered from mental health issues for quite some time, but ironically it wasn't that what killed him. A freak accident caused him to fall from his flat window and he suffered pretty severe head trauma. His parents decided to turn his life support off a day later as he would never recover, and that was the end of it.

It's taken me a long time to come to terms with it all, because I was the last person he spoke to.
Growing up we always said whichever one of us died first, we would come back and haunt the other. And at first I was angry with him, because I just didn't 'feel' him around, it was like he was just gone, like he never existed. And I've always been one to believe that when you die, you go 'somewhere', a person like him just couldn't disappear into nothing, you know?

So I guess you could say in some ways I've been looking for it, or reading into things,because I desperately miss him. However recently I read up about something called "Automatic writing", which is basically calling out to whomever be there, explaining your intentions, that you want to try to talk through pen and paper, closing your eyes, holding the pen, maybe try to meditate whilst thinking of that person, and seeing what happens.

Today I finally plucked up the courage to try, I played some of his favorite music, sat on my bed and told him my intentions. I immediately went absolutely freezing cold, and in my mind I could see him, smiling, brushing my hair behind my ear. I could feel his fingers, and his breath. I began to cry, because I wished it was real. After what felt like hours but in reality was only 5 minutes, I opened my eyes and found that I had written something on my notepad "through" him. Or him through me?

Once I can figure out how to upload photos I will post it, but it looks to me like he wrote 'Love', or 'Leave' ?

I know how crazy this sounds.... I feel bonkers just writing it down. But it felt so real. Was it really him or just grief? Can anybody relate?

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Comment icon #1 Posted by preacherman76 4 years ago
Sorry for your loss. Thinking of my best friend who is also named Matt, I cant imagine what you are going through. That's all I got. I have no idea if that's possible. Personally I find it unlikely. Grief can mess with your mind pretty good. If it makes you feel better to believe it, I don't see the harm. Heck maybe it really happened anyway. I do have faith that you will see your friend again though. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by papageorge1 4 years ago
@KmT29 From your full story I would suspect this was quite likely a real visitation. I have had a couple of such visitations I feel with deceased people I was close to. I think they can visit through the astral/etheric plane with some effort on their part.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Dustyrose33 4 years ago
https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-of-the-dangers-involved-in-Automatic-Writing It's very possible your friend contacted you through Automatic Writing, but when you do that writing you are on a spiritual level and be sure you know what you are doing.   What's concerning is you said things got freezing-cold, so I wonder if it was your friend.   Just be careful. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
I have had 2 good friends die, one "erik" a lorry backed into him, that was way back early 90s, then several years back "john" he was a heavy smoker and alcoholic, he had an epic brain bleeder at the dive bar he loved, never woke died weeks later in hospice, Very different personalities and didnt much like each other but both were my friends, erik time and again jokingly said if he died he would haunt everyone, John asked me what i thought, i said well, you are born you live you die, and if a person could come back or communicate they would, not just my buddies but my grandmother, mother, fath... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by openozy 4 years ago
  I think you are spot on with this Dusty,I've had this happen when my brother died and wrote things down in a poem that only he knew about,it was a very spiritual experience.The freezing cold thing as you said may have a negative entity behind it.I think only the viewer could tell and wouldn't have any doubt.
Comment icon #6 Posted by jbondo 4 years ago
While I'm not questioning your sincerity, I'd venture to guess it was you who was guiding the pen. You don't need to have contact with a passed friend to experience them. The joy of memories and photos, advice he has given you, etc..There will come a time when this will be what you cherish and you will do more smiling than frowning. When people are grieving, or desperately missing a passed person, they are pretty susceptible to all sorts of influences. In fact, this is how "psychics" and "mediums" operate. They take advantage of people who are in a weak moment/time and manipulate them. Most of... [More]
Comment icon #7 Posted by cerberusxp 4 years ago
You are not alone my friend I had 2 friends talk to me after they died. Didn't know they had passed over until later. My Mom said "I've been sick"  (couldn't see her but heard her next to my bed)  the following morning after she passed. In the cases of my friends I seen them vaguely and both had a white face looking over their right shoulder mouths moved but no sound.
Comment icon #8 Posted by the13bats 4 years ago
Bottom line is its real to believers that its real and its real in their minds but like everything paranormal its never been proven and raises the question in my mind then why doesnt ever deceased person we miss come back and say hye, "it doesnt work that way" is a lame played out excuse. And i dont mean just to cynical skeptics like myself, i knew a person who really deeply belived yet her person never said hye she would go see those who claimed to have gifts or that could channel and they all failed her tests because while a believer she wasnt naive or gullible, I see a lot of grieving peopl... [More]

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