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Sean Casteel

The story of Bryce Bond

November 26, 2016 | Comment icon 1 comment
Image Credit: iStockPhoto
The story of how the new reprint of the late Bryce Bond's book "UFOs: Key To Inner Perfection" came about is almost as interesting as the book itself. It started in late 2014 when Inner Light/Global Communications CEO Timothy Green Beckley received an all-too-rare order for Bryce's book on the impact that UFO contact had had on his philosophical and metaphysical perceptions of himself and humanity in general.

In his introduction to the recent updated and expanded edition, Beckley writes of how he first met Bryce in the mid-1960s. At the time, Beckley, along with his partner in crime, the late Jim Moseley, was organizing small meetings for a flying saucer club in midtown Manhattan. Bryce was working as a deejay at New York radio station WTFM, where he eschewed rock and roll and played mainly standards like Frank Sinatra. Bryce had a mild interest in UFOs and would announce news of the flying saucer club meetings on the air free of charge.

During one of their brief conversations, with "Old Blue Eyes" crooning in the background, Bryce told Beckley he was going to England soon for a vacation. Bryce asked Beckley if he knew of any suggestions about what to do there, things that were off the beaten track and not just the usual "touristy" fare.

Beckley had just published a book by British journalist Arthur Shuttlewood called "UFO Prophecy" that dealt with an enormous wave of sightings then taking place in a small hamlet called Warminster, located on the Salisbury Plain a stone's throw from Stonehenge.

Eventually thousands of ordinary witnesses would observe "The Thing," which one of the more mysterious Warminster UFOs had been dubbed by the local press. Several celebrities also made their way to the top of Warminster landmark Cradle Hill to see what they might see, including Mick Jagger and David Bowie. The national media hopped on the Warminster UFO bandwagon for a while and produced a number of television documentaries.

Beckley dashed off a letter of introduction for Bryce and air-mailed it to Shuttlewood.

"The next thing I heard," Beckley writes, "was that the two gentlemen had gotten along rather famously and that Bryce had become, in essence, Shuttlewood's sky-watching buddy. Word came back to me from several sources that Bryce had not only seen a UFO but that he had felt the psychic energies given off by standing inside a crop circle, one of the early ones at that, and that he had had several unexplainable experiences which are detailed throughout the pages of this book."

Bryce's experiences in Warminster over the years included several "missing time" episodes and he was also brought onboard a landed space pod for a brief sojourn among the crew members. As Shuttlewood told it, there was an incident in which Bryce was absent from the group of sky-watchers for a period of hours. But, upon his return, Bryce stated that he felt he'd been gone a much shorter time.

Beckley writes that such an experience might shake up almost anyone, but Bryce's response was one of elation, of suddenly being high on life. Almost immediately upon returning to New York, he quit his job at WTFM, saying he could no longer do anything as superficial as spin Frank Sinatra records. Bryce had to be free to help others and save humanity.

Bryce began to lecture at Beckley's New York School of Occult Arts and Sciences, became an instructor for Silva Mind Control and a well-known faith healer in the area.

"UFOs had changed his life," Beckley writes, "as they have for many other individuals – both positively and negatively. Sometime later, Bryce began working on a book he called ‘Keys to Inner Perfection' which he asked me to publish and which I did. There was nothing really significant about UFOs in the book, but I felt that what Bryce had to say was important enough to print a small edition of 2,000 copies."

That first book is reprinted in the new Inner Light/Global Communications release. It reads like a sort of "alien-inspired" self-help book in which Bryce tries to teach the open-minded reader to realign one's consciousness with the cosmos. Which admittedly is not easy to do, even with help from the flying saucer occupants. He also preaches the always worthy sentiments of unselfishness and unconditional love for one's fellow man and the world in general.

"Unfortunately," Beckley writes, "Bryce Bond never lived to see his book published. He passed away less than a month before the cartons arrived at our warehouse from the printer. I was always sad about this fact as I knew Bryce had put his heart and soul into preparing this publication."

The book sold moderately well over the next couple of decades, but some of that small initial press run were consumed by bad weather and hungry rodents who had infested Beckley's warehouse. When Beckley received the aforementioned order with only the one copy on his shelves, he decided to return the customer's money and tell the person they were going to reissue the book. Beckley then handed the book over to William Kern, one of his graphics people, to have it scanned.

Then, as "luck" would have it, Beckley was going through his extensive files and came across a dusty black binder. He realized it was a partially-edited, typewritten manuscript by none other than Bryce on his experiences in the U.K. Beckley vaguely remembered that Bryce had given him the book around the time he had submitted the "Keys To Inner Perfection" manuscript and asked Beckley to publish it at a later date if he could. The pages were now brittle and had changed color from white to a brownish-yellow.

This newly discovered, detailed account of the UFO encounters that had led to "Keys To Inner Perfection" would add more depth and meaning to the reprinting project. It was now apparent that UFOs had impacted Bryce's life more than he had let on.

"Frankly," Beckley writes, "I can't help but believe that somehow Bryce was behind all this. As he looked down from some lofty place in space or a heavenly realm, I am sure he wanted others to discover the glory of his transformation experiences so they might experience their own. I think Bryce put me up to doing this because his complete story was never really told. I realized the work needed to be updated and a ‘final' version published."

The "lost" manuscript is a gripping narrative of what happened to Bryce as he took his leap of faith and visited the paranormal-soaked world of the small British hamlet.

"Warminster, at this time of night," Bryce writes, "even for a Saturday, was somewhat deserted. Only a few people ambled along the narrow streets. I felt that I had eyes on me all the way. It was a most unusual feeling. The small narrow streets, with high brick walls, sky overcast, and the town strangely quiet — maybe a prelude to what I was about to experience that night! After walking a short distance through narrow archways and flower-lined paths, I was amazed how lovely it smelled and how clean it was. On the hill, some of the group had their telescopes set up on tripods; others had binoculars and cameras ready.

"The thing that really struck me was how friendly everyone was. A good portion are very curious, another percentage are thrill-seekers, and the remainder, well, they just enjoyed being there with this warm, loving group of spiritual individuals, sharing stories and conversations . . . UFOs have been here for eons of years. History is filled with reports of strange glowing craft, of landings and contactees. But due to negative programming regarding these ancients, and fear of the unknown being magnified out of all proportion from mouth to mouth, it spread right into modern times. Only in these times we blame television and motion pictures for doing the damage: creating near mass-panic in the mind, showing these UFOs as hostile, coming down from the heavens to devour, murder and rape — and to gobble us up!
"This travesty of beings who are thousands or even millions of years ahead of us in technology, intelligence and spiritual intent. . . . What the masses do not understand, they fear. When they fear, they shoot and run. There are numerous reports that UFOs were shot at, out of panic — even by the military. Put yourselves in their shoes and think: What would you do if you went to their planet, or dimension, or universe, or another period in time? We drove over to Starr Hill, another ancient burial ground area. This sector is where the Romans built upon, with a few of the remnants still in evidence. The location was down in a valley, wheat fields all around and high hills. The sky started to clear, filled with thousands of beautiful stars and still no UFOs...

"It was getting awfully late and still I had not interviewed Arthur Shuttlewood. My voice was getting weaker, my head clogged up due to the cool dampness. I got his attention and we crawled into one of the nearby cars to keep warm while I interviewed him. He was telling me that, only a few nights ago, three large entities about eight feet in height were seen down in a little hollow, to which he pointed. While in their presence, people felt a great warmth exuded from them; they were engulfed by it and the scent of roses and violets was very strong. All of a sudden, while Arthur was speaking, his conversation went to a peculiar light that just appeared in the field in front of us. He was somewhat blasé about the whole thing...

"Arthur then said quietly: ‘I'm very glad you are here tonight, Bryce. There in front of us is a UFO. Notice the triangle shape and colored lights going around? That is a very good sign.' It then started to lift off in a weird pattern — then just disappeared. I was flabbergasted! It was so close. While describing that one on tape for American listeners, another one popped up about 25 degrees along the horizon. This one was very brilliant white, while the other was a blaze of colored lights. The intensity increased as it raised itself very slowly, did a little dance in the sky, then took off and disappeared. But before it did, Arthur jumped from the car, borrowed a flashlight from someone and sent Morse code to it. It in turn sent back the same signal that Arthur flashed out. Then it flew off. This was the highlight of my British trip: a close sighting; yet I honestly felt spiritually close to the lights in the field."

Bryce had begun interviewing other watchers as to what they witnessed when he suddenly felt called away once more.

"I turned off the recorder and made a mad dash out into the field, went into a light trance state and asked higher intelligence to make contact again. Leaving the group, I made my way down to the hollow, where two nights before three entities were seen. Again I went into a light trance state for what seemed to be a few minutes only . . . I was awakened by my friends, who thought I had gone. I must have been there for about an hour. I truly do not know what transpired while I was there or in trance. I told my friends I would return shortly and they went back to where the others were standing. I then made my way slowly back to the parked cars and people. Now here is a strange thing: the wheat in the field next to me as I walked back up the dirt road was about waist high...

"I walked along the road very close to the fence. Suddenly I heard a noise — like something crushing the wheat down. There was no breeze blowing that night. I looked over. The moon had just come out, shining very brightly — and there, before my eyes, a large depression was being formed. The wheat was being crushed down in a counterclockwise position. It too was shaped like a triangle and measured about twenty feet from point to point. I stood there a few moments and experienced a tremendous tingling sensation — the same sweet smell — being engulfed by warm air. Not fully understanding what had happened, I walked up the road to get Arthur, my host.

"Speaking of the field, Arthur pointed out some landing impressions in the section fronting the farm barn: a circle about thirty feet in circumference, with another depression spotted, but this one in a long cigar shape. All the depressions, recently made and noticed, were in a counterclockwise fashion. After all this, I was very happy and thankful. My mission had been a success."

Bryce never wavers in his belief that he has contacted something compassionate and loving in the fields near Warminster. Later in the new book, he writes, "None of us seemed to feel fear. Perhaps we didn't have time for fear, or perhaps it just didn't exist in this dimension of consciousness and contact. Perhaps these beings created a state of Samadhi, the experience of ultimate union with the source of creation, called God, higher consciousness, the Supreme; whatever the name, the feeling of total oneness is the same. Somehow we had been guided to this destination at this specific time to make contact with these extraterrestrial intelligences and to share in the extraordinary experience together."

This shared sensation of bliss – absent any sort of fear – is not always the case for UFO witnesses. Many sighting and abduction reports tend to be all about the terror of encountering a phenomenon that is nonhuman, supremely intelligent, and able to hold us helplessly spellbound even as it defies what we believe are the natural laws of space and time.

But the way in which Bryce and Shuttlewood and the rest of the group were having such a pleasant time of it is also not without precedent, as in the contactee accounts that began to proliferate in the 1950s. One recalls the Betty Andreasson Luca case, beginning in 1967, in which a New England housewife and other members of her family were regularly abducted over many years by what Betty continues to feel are benevolent aliens preparing the way for the Second Coming of Jesus.

Bryce quotes Arthur Shuttlewood thusly on the subject: "I think the UFO intelligence is essentially of God. But man must sink his ego before he can get the truth."

Beckley has also added the elegiac recollections of two of Bryce's old friends to "UFOs: Key To Inner Perfection." One of those friends is Marc Brinkerhoff, who contributes a pencil drawing he made for Bryce depicting his late friend's face-to-face encounter with both a gray alien and a human-looking, female alien. The event had taken place during a later trip to Warminster by Bryce in 1974, and Marc provides a brief but relatively detailed account of the meeting between Bryce and the friendly UFO occupants.

Psychic Shawn Robbins writes about discovering Bryce's dedicated interest to UFOs one day when they were conversing about Jimmy Carter's famous sighting experience in 1969 as he was campaigning for the governorship of Georgia. Bryce opened up and told Shawn that he'd been in a kind of mental contact with UFOs for many years, but Shawn felt that he was trying to establish a psychic bond with the aliens through her as well. After all his years of encounters with the UFO occupants, Bryce somehow still felt like an "outsider" even as he struggled to communicate the reality of the alien presence to the people. Shawn believes that mission was accomplished by Bryce's books.

Bryce died in January 1992 at the age of 63 from a brain aneurism. He had been due to give a short lecture on metaphysics and healing at the United Nations that day, and when the always punctual and reliable Bryce didn't show up on time nor answer his phone, Marc decided it was time to call the police. Bryce was discovered collapsed in his home and taken to a New York City hospital, where he was kept on life support for several days. Marc claims to have had an out-of-the-body meeting with Bryce in which Bryce appeared youthful and vigorous but concerned about what was happening to his body. Shortly after this otherworldly encounter, Bryce was taken off life support and passed away.

Perhaps Timothy Green Beckley is right when he says the publication of "UFOs: Keys To Inner Perfection" may have been guided by Bryce Bond from some heavenly location. The various components of the new book have come together after the passage of many years and now form something like a completed puzzle. The final pieces were the newly discovered manuscript and the testimonies of those who knew and loved Bryce. One can only hope that, after meeting the aliens and preaching unconditional love, Bryce has found it for himself and is still able to lead others to it.


UFOs: KEY TO INNER PERFECTION https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Perfection-Bryce-Burleigh-Bond/dp/1606111876/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476734188&sr=1-1&keywords=ufos+key+to+inner+perfection

UFO PROPHECY: VISIONS FROM THE TOWN HAUNTED BY FLYING SAUCERS, 50TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTORS EDITION https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Prophecy-Visions-Anniversary-Collectors/dp/1606112236/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476734448&sr=1-2&keywords=ufo+prophecy

THE HERETIC'S UFO GUIDEBOOK https://www.amazon.com/Heretics-UFO-Guidebook-Revealing-Scriptures/dp/1606111833/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476734812&sr=1-1&keywords=heretic%27s+ufo+guidebook+sean+casteel

To view and purchase books Sean Casteel has contributed to, visit his Amazon Author Page at: http://www.amazon.com/author/seancasteel Comments (1)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by brlesq1 8 years ago
Can't say I believe in UFOs, but this should make for interesting reading.

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