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Paul Dale Roberts

Scouting mission to Washington, CA

October 3, 2008 | Comment icon 0 comments
Image Credit: HPI
Washington is located in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It perches on the Yuba River's south fork, which is a national wild scenic river. Nestled in a canyon between 5,000 foot high mountain ridges, Washington is where the road ends. It was once known as Indiana Camp by homesick Hoosiers. The year was 1849 and it seemed the world was heading to California for a mad dash for gold! The Indiana Camp miners met in the local saloon as the snow piled up four feet deep outside. They had to do something about those upstarts who had named their camp after the country's third president. So, Indiana Camp became the name of the first president...Washington. The camp grew into a prosperous gold mining town. Every town needs a hotel. In 1857 the Washington Hotel hosted heads of state and miners heading for a grubstake. President Grover Cleveland and Wyatt & Josephine Earp slept at this hotel. This is a great place to get away and you will find a superb restaurant and bar at this wonderful hotel in which you can dine in the patio and look at the haunted creek where ghostly children and the Tommyknockers are heard. For more information about the Washington Hotel, click here. Now let's talking about the scouting party to Washington! To see the pictures of the Scouting Mission to Washington, click here.

The whole town of Washington, CA is haunted and it was time for me to bring a large scouting party to this small town. On this day, Saturday, September 20, 2008. HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International) will have their ghosthunters-in-training attempt to discover the authencity to the claims of paranormal activity of this small quaint town called Washington.

Let’s take a roll call, the ghosthunters-in-training that became part of the Washington Scouting Party are as follows: David Mace, Karen Mace, Eileen Verttulst, Donna Jackson, Lia LaBella, Melody White, Chantal Apodaca, Helen Dennis, Susan Regney, Dianne Davis, Tammy Straling, Jeannette Lehman, Kathryn Richardson, Annie Rolls, Leatherface, Tony Gold, Flex, Dave Hirschman, Barbara Rubis-Johnson, Tom, Kathy, Mike Moreno, Brenda Baskerville, Kathy from Paso Robles.

Leading this scouting mission is no other than I….Paul Dale Roberts. Film crew Off-the-Hook TV that has been involved with TV shows such as LA Ink, Jackass & MTV were here in Washington. The crew to Off-the-Hook TV: Leatherface, Tony Gold and Flex were eager to discover what we will find in our investigations and they will be documenting this event.

I picked up some of my scouts at Starbucks in downtown Sacramento and we headed up 80 towards Ca 49/20 to Washington. Of course, some of my scouts got lost. I finally rounded everyone and the exploring was ready to commence. Toby Dixon (Washington Historian) gave us the grand tour of Washington. She showed us a picture of a full body apparition of a little girl standing next to a living little girl at the Washington School grounds. The first place we scouted out was the school yard. Armed with temperature gauges, digital audio recorders, video recorders, 1 sound enhancer/recorder, digital cameras and EMF readers we did a full sweep of the school. Afterwards we went to the Washington cemetery for another scouting investigation. Suzanne Ganare & Mark Womack (residents of Washington) were able to confirm and collaborate on to Toby’s ghostly stories. Our next guide was Washington resident Jade Herron, who works as a chef at the Washington Hotel.

Jade Herron took us on a long hike to the Ice House. The Ice House is called the ‘ice house’, because even on the hottest days, the house is as cold as ice. As I walked into this house, it was true, the house is ice cold. A multitude of cold spots? This house is supposed to be one of the most haunted houses in Washington, we actually received an inside tour. The townsfolk say that a family of apparitions are seen sometimes on the balcony, a man & woman have been seen embracing and dancing on the balcony. A little boy that the townsfolk think has the name of Pete with another little girl have also been seen on the balcony. The one entity that seems to harbor negative energy is a male apparition in an orange shirt sharpening a knife. The house is now abandoned. One scout felt oppressed when walking into the home. Another scout said she felt like she was touched on the arm and another scout felt lightheaded. It is believed that the new structure of this home is built on top of an older structure that dates back to the 1800s.

There was one area of the house, that some of the scouts felt could be vortex activity. A couple of scouts thought they saw mist in this vortex activity. I will let you know what I experienced at the vortex activity. I placed my hand in the area of the vortex and felt electrical static, some of the other scouts felt the same thing. A scout felt she took a picture of an orb where the vortex was, when checking the picture and rechecking to see the location of where the picture was taken, it was discovered that the orb was actually a metallic light socket. The unusual photograph was debunked after I ran up the stairs to measure up the photograph to the actual area where the picture was taken. As a paranormal investigator, I can only record what my scouts feel. My scouts can relate their experiences to me, but I cannot confirm their experiences and these type of experiences cannot be used as evidence of the paranormal. Even though I can tell you I felt an electrical static around my hand at the so-called vortex area, this is only my statement of what I felt, this is not evidence. Another story about this house that I can't verify, but various locals believe it to be true is that a miner killed a family at this residence. He killed a man and woman that were husband and wife and their two children.

After we left the Ice House, we walked down the road for half a mile to the area where the Tommyknockers are heard clinging onto rocks. Mike Moreno, one of my scouts did some research on the Tommyknockers and discovered that it originates from the Irish immigrant miners who claim they brought over some leprechauns. The Tommyknockers are regarded as either leprechauns or elementals. They are known to make picking noises against the rocks to either warn the miners when there was a possible cave in, or they could be mischievous elementals that cause mine disasters. The Tommyknockers are known to have a green glow that surrounds their bodies.

After this investigation, it was time to set up the séances. We were very fortunate because we met Lil’ Debbie (who is affectionately called the Mayor of Washington) and we convoyed in our cars to Lil’ Debbie’s home that is built over a mine shaft. She told us that she has a lot of activity at her home, things move around, strange knockings occur, etc. We conducted a séance in her home. At one time the guitar on the wall fell from the wall, when I asked for some type of sign. The fire from the candle flickered around here and there, when asked to move side-to-side. This séance is inconclusive, because there was no 2nd witness of the guitar falling on it’s own accord. The flickering of the fire on the candle could have occurred because of a breeze that may have been entering the home from outside. We left this home and headed back to the Washington Hotel. Most of the scouts were checked in Rooms 11, 9, 4 and 12. Since there were so many of us, I broke up the scouts into 3 teams. My team was called Team Alpha. Karen Mace lead Team Beta and Tammy Straling lead Team Charlie. Each team member was equipped with walkie talkies. There would be one videographer for each team. We would spend up to 30 minutes in séance sessions in each room and then rotate. If one team had activity, they would go over their 30 minute period and continue with the seance. Using candles, hedge of protection prayers and closing prayers, we attempted to summon up paranormal activity to record scientifically. Team Beta received results in Room 4. David Mace with sound enhancer/recorder received an EVP in real time that said: “Me Neither”, when a certain question was asked. The voice sounded like a woman’s voice. The entity Alma is supposed to stay in Room 4. She was known to wear Victorian garb that consisted of a skirt and blue blouse. She usually wore her hair up and was known to check into the hotel on occasions and enjoyed staying in Room 4. Tammy felt she was searching for her long lost lover. Some of the scouts in the séance session in Room 4 felt their faces touched. When the second round of séance sessions commenced, I had a couple of people stand off from the séance circle to take digital photographs. In one set of pictures, a distinct shadow is seen, when the second picture was taken, the strange shadow was gone. There were many orb pictures taken at the local cemetery and at the hotel. Some of the history of the hotel is that in Room 9, Wyatt Earp slept there. Josephine (Wyatt Earp’s 2nd wife) was known to frequent the hotel and it is claimed that she owned a mine.

We did have a bit of drama this night. We had to conduct a ‘search and rescue’ team to locate Barbara who wondered off to the cemetery by herself. After scaring everyone in the scouting party, Barbara promised never to wander off by herself, unless she notifies someone where she is going and preferably would be with another scout.
After this investigation concluded, it was discovered that David Mace also received another EVP in which his first name was called twice by the female entity of Room 4.

This was a long and somewhat tiresome scouting mission, but it was well-worth the efforts, especially when David recorded the clear and concise EVP responses. We finalized the investigation by setting our alarms to 3am to see if we can hear the ghostly children playing at the creek or the sounds of the Tommyknockers.

At 3am we heard no sounds of a paranormal nature from the creek area, we could only hear running water from the creek. I went back to my shared room with Barbara and Kathryn and fell asleep in our very comfortable room. Room 12. Don't worry, I slept on the floor! Let's not get any rumors started!

The next time I return to Washington, California, I plan to bring with me, Nancy Bradley – Celebrity Psychic www.nancybradley.org - I want to utilize Nancy’s psychic abilities to discover the truth to the legends of this small town. Nancy has proven her psychic abilities 100 fold and has a tremendous accuracy rate. There are so many unanswered questions, that I would like to have answers for.

Now before I end this article. I would like to discuss an email I received. A man from Denver, Colorado claims he saw a UFO hover over a library in Denver. A light beam (maybe a scanner?) from the UFO was over the library for several minutes. It was 4:07am. The UFO darted rapidly into the night skies. As he drove off startled, he ran a stop sign. The police pulled him over and he related his UFO story to the policeman. The policeman laughed at him and told him that he was getting a ticket for a ‘Hollywood Stop’. He got the ticket and I told him to fight the ticket, because when the policeman said it was a ‘Hollywood Stop’, it is still a stop and to bring a Webster’s dictionary to the courthouse and read the definition of stop to the DA. He did exactly that and beat the ticket. By the admission of the policeman, he made a stop, but called it a Hollywood Stop. My new friend from Denver was grateful. He asked what I thought the UFO was doing. I believe the UFO with a high tech scanning device was scanning the books in this library. If this is what was occurring, could our extraterrestrials friends also be scanning all of the books in the Library of Congress and all of the libraries in the world? Could this mean that the Library of Alexandria still exists, because ancient astronauts scanned all of the scrolls from this library? But, just in case the scrolls from this lost library were not scanned…did you know that everything contained in this library still exists? Yes, it exists in ‘light form’. Anything we see is reflecting off light. Light is energy. When the scrolls were created and later read, it was reflecting light and that light of the past still exists. Of course time travel is another way to see the lost collection of the Library of Alexandria. The Library of Alexandria may be lost to us, but it is not lost in the realms of science.

Want to go on a ghostly tour, check out: www.eldoradocountytours.com

See what Nancy Bradley - Celebrity Psychic has been up to at this link:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Email: JazmaPika@cs.com
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this story).

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright © 2008 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright © 2008 all rights reserved. Comments (0)

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