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Dan Green

Could Jesus have been female ?

April 21, 2013 | Comment icon 69 comments
Image Credit: Vít Luštinec
As a youngster, I was brought up in the United Kingdom and went through the obligatory schooling system that provided religious education classes and so I was bound to come face to face with the male Jesus. More than half the world knows his story, and not an original one at that as it is borrowed, we can say without dispute, from earlier similar saviour stories from around the world, the story of Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis, Attis, and Mithras. Despite him being the major figure in the bible, there is no description of how he looked, and scholars will point out no real record of him in Hebrew or Roman - outside of Christianity's own teachings and assurances about him, he struggles to exist. This has left the gate open for a number of critics to declare the reasons for these puzzling lapses is that, simply, he did not exist, or at least not in a fashion that we have had described us.

Science would find it no task to dismiss a man who was born from a virgin birth, walked on water (when it wasn't frozen) and resurrected three days after his death. I often wonder how strong a case could be submitted in a court of law for proof that he ever did live. What a splendid TV drama that would be! The book industry has been flooded with numerous alternative theories about Jesus - if there is a lack of hard substantial evidence then you can only expect speculative hypothesis that it is doubted will ever be proved without reasonable uncertainty. There is, however, evidence from sociologists that church going Christians are experiencing a major shift away from the church in later life, American research announcing that after their fifteenth year, 59% of young Christians are either disconnecting permanently or for an extended period, fed up of being told that outside of the church other teachings are evil or wrong, and census analysis announces that Christians could be a minority by 2018, the number in England and Wales falling by 4m as the population of Muslims and non-believers rises. Although there are an estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, Americans and Europeans are beginning to distance themselves from their Faith.

Clearly, if the central male figure of Jesus is losing impact, perhaps replaced by concern for under threat female planetary issues, the danger here is that we are throwing the baby out with the bath water, for one would despair if all we were left with was a spiritual vacuum or were replaced by cold technology that may well explain how the universe was created but sees no need for moral behaviours. In 2013 Easter Monday coincided with April Fools' day, a day when hoaxes are played on each other. This year it may have been a meaningful synchronicity as the word 'fool' originates from the Middle English as 'fol(e)' a fool, from Old French 'fol' from Latin 'follis' meaning bellows, windbag. 'Bellows' comes from Middle English 'belwes', plural of 'belu' from Old English 'belga', plural of 'bel(i)g', boelig meaning bag, purse, bellows, from Middle English bely, baly or belly. From 'belly' we find firstly the stomach, secondly appetite for food, and archaically known as the womb, the uterus. Our paper chase has brought us from 'Fool' to 'Womb' and in doing so has connected both April Fools with Easter Monday in a veiled fashion. The 'Fool' card in Tarot is also known as the Jester and we find this word hiding in the word 'Progesterone', the female hormone that maintains pregnancy. The significance of all this we shall see shortly, and any liable hoax will become apparent.

Still, we have heard most of all this Jesus debate before. What, perhaps, we haven't heard so much of - and, yes, it will of course be viewed as yet another alternative hypothesis or theory - is my own, and I am going to suggest that a fictional Jesus figure was partly stylised from an actual living woman, of which there is more to tell of, but I will save for another time. The gender, and the original chronicle of this extraordinary individual, was changed and hidden to mask an allegorical account of how the female body works - the biology of which the early misogynistic church feared the most, that deep rooted fear of the female form that they had so unashamedly turned into taboo. Perhaps the first to tackle this gender swop was the words of the 14th century female mystic and anchorite Julian of Norwich venerated in Anglican and Lutheran churches, formulating; 'And so Jesus is our true Mother in nature by our first creation, and he is our true Mother in grace by taking our created nature'.

My own research into doubting the traditional story line as we have been force-fed, utilises the psychology of the Collective Unconscious where it is believed pure Truth resides and cannot be besmirched or twisted, safely entrenched and submerged, hiding away like a hermit in our individual mind. Any previous readers of my submissions will by now know that it is the joint wonder of the Collective Unconscious and synchronicity, introduced to us first by the Swiss psychiatrist carl Gustav Jung, that I trust as my tools of deduction and investigation. Viewing what I understood as a parallel to the male story but seen through a gynaecological pair of eyes, it began to fall into place, and could explain why the Knights Templar would trample on the cross of a male Jesus. In their written Charter, the Templars dedicated themselves to Mary, suspected in this case to be Mary Magdalene, a figure whom it appeared they secretly worshipped as equal to Jesus. Could it be that the clandestine discovery they had unearthed under the Temple Mount, Jerusalem circa 1110 was that 'Jesus' had in fact been the female we now call Mary Magdalene, a woman?

Of all images of the Christ, the most iconic and enduring of Jesus is his death on the cross, a powerful psychological image preserved at the height of the story, designed to give us a conscience, a freeze frame whose reality cannot help but be preserved in that untainted reservoir of the Universal Collective Unconscious. Allow it to translate for you, and to do so we must consult another abiding visual, the moving tableaux that is the 14 Stations of the Cross depicting the Cross carrying Christ before the final hours - or 'Passion' - of his death by crucifixion. However, the 'Cross' will take on a new significance for if we are going to probe the magnificent workings of the female body we are going to celebrate its finest moment by replacing a wooden cross with the XY sex determination system found in humans, to discover the gynaecological path of early conception, the egg leaving an ovary to pass through the fallopian tube for expectant pregnancy, the true 'pass' in 'passion'.

The number 14 is important in these Stations, the 14th day in pregnancy being the most fertile day of fertilisation when the rupturing follicle releases the egg. In obstetrics, the study of the reproductive process within a fertilised female body, 'station' is the expression for the measuring distance of a baby travelling down the birth canal. When it is 'fully engaged', it is ready to be born, and another expression of this term could remind us of the myth that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple. The term 'falling pregnant' takes on a poignant meaning other than stumbling when Jesus is mentioned falling on his journey at Stations 3, 7, and 11. Are we looking at the Gestations of the cross, 'gestation' alluding to the carrying of an embryo inside a female? Both 7 and 11 are significant for it is on the former that the egg begins to develop and the latter when it reaches maturity.

Jesus meets with his mother at Station 4 and the suggestion here is that the spark of life is at that point, within the female parent for it is on this day, the 4th that the egg starts development in the follicle. At Station 5 Simon of Cyrene carries the Cross for Jesus, and we cannot mistake the term 'carrying' meaning that of a pregnant mother. Station 6 sees Veronica wiping the face of Jesus. From this account arose the legend that that upon pausing to wipe sweat away from the Lord using her veil, his image imprinted itself on her cloth. What is happening here is the imprint of Jesus on her cloth replicates the way external genital changes in an embryo develops on the 6th week after fertilisation. As the Cross carrying Jesus in the story is male we are therefore being indicated in this instance the sex determination of a boy as the embryonic gender cannot be determined for the initial six weeks of development. Station 8 shows us how Jesus 'meets with the daughters of Jerusalem', the biblical Luke 21-23 refers to this encounter as Jesus making further reference to motherhood or lack of; 'But woe to them that are with child.' Jesus is 'stripped of his garments' at Station 10, which parallels with an egg which if unfertile causes the uterine lining to shed or strip away enabling the body to prepare for the next egg and potential for pregnancy.

At Station 12 the outstretched arms of Jesus hang on the Cross, a full representation of the female fallopian tubes and womb that bleeds, Christ, in this respect being in all women. His body is removed from the Cross at Station 13 and at this point of death, the potential of new birth, the key word 'transformation' is recorded in the symbolism of the Tarot Death card 13. Modern Hebrew affords the name 'Yeshu' for Jesus, and resembles the phonetic pronunciation of 'Issue', the description of the blood during a woman's period. Station 14 presents Jesus laid in the tomb and day 14 of pregnancy is when ovulation is most fertile. It is at this juncture that the mysterious figure of Mary Magdalene comes to seek her Lord and biblical text tells us she thinks the tomb has been looted and he is no longer there. One wonders why of all people it is the Magdalene who arrives to seek the Christ, only to find no-one there. She wouldn't, for by inference it is that Mary, by virtue of being alone in the empty tomb that was supposed to house Jesus, was indeed the true 'Jesus' figure.

The Magdalene is thought to have come from Magdala, a town said to have been on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, hence her naming, but if we resort again to the Collective Unconscious we will see her title within the neurological word 'Amygdala', the almond-like nucleus' within the brain, recent studies suggesting that there are correlations between brain structure, the amygdala and sexual orientation. Allowing the Collective Unconscious to elucidate further at this recorded scene of a 'looted tomb' of a corpse, we are being imprinted the memory of 'Corpus luteum', essential for maintaining and establishing pregnancy, being what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. In some accounts, we are told that the Roman soldier Longinus pierced the side of Christ with what is now known as 'The Spear of Destiny' and surely so one of destiny, for here the egg has been ruptured and bleeds, the menstrual cycle starting over as pregnancy has been missed. Within his title Longinus, veils the word 'gyn', which means, in composition, 'female'.

If we leave the Stations for now and turn to the hidden meanings in the Lost Mother Tongue, another of my tools, we can find further female reproductive references from the Collective Unconscious, for as Jesus made his way to Calvary we cannot help enunciating the place name Calvary without noticing that when we pronounce the syllable 'Cal' we have to express an 'o' as we approach the second syllable, providing us with a 'Cal-ovary', a reference to an ovary. Jesus even bleeds as he bends down, as a menstruating woman might, (Luke 22; 54-62), and yet again the Lost Mother Tongue reveals the phonetic 'get semen' in the name of this garden where it occurred - Gethsemane. It becomes clearer why at Easter we celebrate the Jesus story with eggs, (now, unfortunately replaced with the commercial chocolate variety) as this confirms an unconscious reflection on the female gamete sex cell or egg, the ovum.

One traditional story concerning Mary Magdalene after Jesus' resurrection captures this well. The Emperor Tiberius held a banquet and invited her and when she appeared she greeted him by holding a plain egg thought to symbolise the rising Christ. Caesar declared the chance of having Christ rising from the dead as unlikely as the egg she was holding turning red, but no sooner had he uttered it than the egg obliged. Another version from the Greek tells of Mary placing a basket full of eggs at the foot of the crucifixion, a clear symbolism from what we have now learned, of ovary eggs. Both accounts remind us that failure of the (white) egg to fertilise will lead to the oncoming return cycle of menstruation, and red. In John 17:1 just before the betrayal and crucifixion, Jesus says; 'Father, the time has come ...' - 'timing' is what differentiates a fertilised egg from an embryo.

Easter is celebrated as the time that Jesus is slain and resurrects, and the precise date of this slightly changing yearly celebration is decided by the first Sunday after or on the full moon, which given us further clues into our arrival at a female Jesus as menstruation and ovulation more or less follow the 28 day lunar cycle. Our English word 'Easter' heralds from the Anglo-Saxon 'Eastre' taken from the pagan goddess whose Spring festivals were called Eastron. However, the unconscious origin of these semantics brings us full circle back to obstetrics and the variant of estrus, oestrus - the period of sexual receptivity in most female mammals when ovulation occurs. It appears that the French myth of Jesus being married to a pregnant Mary Magdalene stems from an unconscious memory that a fictional male Jesus is instead mirroring a representation of an actual pregnant Mary. The word 'marry' is from the Old French 'Marier', phonetic 'Maria' as in Maria Magdalene.

Finally, I felt that with the Collective Unconscious providing deep psychological evidence for a female Jesus by revealing an obstetric alternative of The Stations of the Cross, then maybe it had also provided at least further evidence hidden in architecture or art. I found it at Spain, firstly at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada where we can see the male Jesus wearing what most western minds will perceive as a female dress. A question to ask is, if crucifixion was not meant only as execution but as a humiliation designed to expose vulnerability, why then were loin cloths placed to cover the genitals? Writings by Seneca the Younger suggest otherwise, recording that victims were crucified entirely naked. Could it be that the male Jesus had his genitalia covered because deep down we knew the figure was a female?

More striking visual evidence is at Galicia, where we see on one side of the Cross our traditional male Jesus but on the obverse side a crucified female, inferring that the male is in fact female, and that the double cross at the Last Supper is an allegory of the double cross, the XX, of the female chromosome. Given that an increasing number of historians are trying to erase the figure of a Jesus completely, I hope I can equally erase that notion by 'resurrecting' the figure, restoring it to an original gender as Jesus the female, the truth of which was deliberately concealed and altered by a male church who not only wanted emphasis and importance put on the male by stamping evidence out and eradicated all the adherents of ancient Mother Goddess worship, but who wanted neither men nor women to have any understanding of female gynaecology.

Many will strongly contest what I have presented here and choose to dismiss it as fantasy. In fairness and balance, I will respectfully remind them that having to accept a man born of a virgin, walking on water and resurrecting after death could be viewed, equally, just as that.[!gad]As a youngster, I was brought up in the United Kingdom and went through the obligatory schooling system that provided religious education classes and so I was bound to come face to face with the male Jesus. More than half the world knows his story, and not an original one at that as it is borrowed, we can say without dispute, from earlier similar saviour stories from around the world, the story of Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis, Attis, and Mithras. Despite him being the major figure in the bible, there is no description of how he looked, and scholars will point out no real record of him in Hebrew or Roman - outside of Christianity's own teachings and assurances about him, he struggles to exist. This has left the gate open for a number of critics to declare the reasons for these puzzling lapses is that, simply, he did not exist, or at least not in a fashion that we have had described us.

Science would find it no task to dismiss a man who was born from a virgin birth, walked on water (when it wasn't frozen) and resurrected three days after his death. I often wonder how strong a case could be submitted in a court of law for proof that he ever did live. What a splendid TV drama that would be! The book industry has been flooded with numerous alternative theories about Jesus - if there is a lack of hard substantial evidence then you can only expect speculative hypothesis that it is doubted will ever be proved without reasonable uncertainty. There is, however, evidence from sociologists that church going Christians are experiencing a major shift away from the church in later life, American research announcing that after their fifteenth year, 59% of young Christians are either disconnecting permanently or for an extended period, fed up of being told that outside of the church other teachings are evil or wrong, and census analysis announces that Christians could be a minority by 2018, the number in England and Wales falling by 4m as the population of Muslims and non-believers rises. Although there are an estimated 1.2 billion Catholics in the world, Americans and Europeans are beginning to distance themselves from their Faith.

Clearly, if the central male figure of Jesus is losing impact, perhaps replaced by concern for under threat female planetary issues, the danger here is that we are throwing the baby out with the bath water, for one would despair if all we were left with was a spiritual vacuum or were replaced by cold technology that may well explain how the universe was created but sees no need for moral behaviours. In 2013 Easter Monday coincided with April Fools' day, a day when hoaxes are played on each other. This year it may have been a meaningful synchronicity as the word 'fool' originates from the Middle English as 'fol(e)' a fool, from Old French 'fol' from Latin 'follis' meaning bellows, windbag. 'Bellows' comes from Middle English 'belwes', plural of 'belu' from Old English 'belga', plural of 'bel(i)g', boelig meaning bag, purse, bellows, from Middle English bely, baly or belly. From 'belly' we find firstly the stomach, secondly appetite for food, and archaically known as the womb, the uterus. Our paper chase has brought us from 'Fool' to 'Womb' and in doing so has connected both April Fools with Easter Monday in a veiled fashion. The 'Fool' card in Tarot is also known as the Jester and we find this word hiding in the word 'Progesterone', the female hormone that maintains pregnancy. The significance of all this we shall see shortly, and any liable hoax will become apparent.

Still, we have heard most of all this Jesus debate before. What, perhaps, we haven't heard so much of - and, yes, it will of course be viewed as yet another alternative hypothesis or theory - is my own, and I am going to suggest that a fictional Jesus figure was partly stylised from an actual living woman, of which there is more to tell of, but I will save for another time. The gender, and the original chronicle of this extraordinary individual, was changed and hidden to mask an allegorical account of how the female body works - the biology of which the early misogynistic church feared the most, that deep rooted fear of the female form that they had so unashamedly turned into taboo. Perhaps the first to tackle this gender swop was the words of the 14th century female mystic and anchorite Julian of Norwich venerated in Anglican and Lutheran churches, formulating; 'And so Jesus is our true Mother in nature by our first creation, and he is our true Mother in grace by taking our created nature'.

My own research into doubting the traditional story line as we have been force-fed, utilises the psychology of the Collective Unconscious where it is believed pure Truth resides and cannot be besmirched or twisted, safely entrenched and submerged, hiding away like a hermit in our individual mind. Any previous readers of my submissions will by now know that it is the joint wonder of the Collective Unconscious and synchronicity, introduced to us first by the Swiss psychiatrist carl Gustav Jung, that I trust as my tools of deduction and investigation. Viewing what I understood as a parallel to the male story but seen through a gynaecological pair of eyes, it began to fall into place, and could explain why the Knights Templar would trample on the cross of a male Jesus. In their written Charter, the Templars dedicated themselves to Mary, suspected in this case to be Mary Magdalene, a figure whom it appeared they secretly worshipped as equal to Jesus. Could it be that the clandestine discovery they had unearthed under the Temple Mount, Jerusalem circa 1110 was that 'Jesus' had in fact been the female we now call Mary Magdalene, a woman?

Of all images of the Christ, the most iconic and enduring of Jesus is his death on the cross, a powerful psychological image preserved at the height of the story, designed to give us a conscience, a freeze frame whose reality cannot help but be preserved in that untainted reservoir of the Universal Collective Unconscious. Allow it to translate for you, and to do so we must consult another abiding visual, the moving tableaux that is the 14 Stations of the Cross depicting the Cross carrying Christ before the final hours - or 'Passion' - of his death by crucifixion. However, the 'Cross' will take on a new significance for if we are going to probe the magnificent workings of the female body we are going to celebrate its finest moment by replacing a wooden cross with the XY sex determination system found in humans, to discover the gynaecological path of early conception, the egg leaving an ovary to pass through the fallopian tube for expectant pregnancy, the true 'pass' in 'passion'.

The number 14 is important in these Stations, the 14th day in pregnancy being the most fertile day of fertilisation when the rupturing follicle releases the egg. In obstetrics, the study of the reproductive process within a fertilised female body, 'station' is the expression for the measuring distance of a baby travelling down the birth canal. When it is 'fully engaged', it is ready to be born, and another expression of this term could remind us of the myth that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a couple. The term 'falling pregnant' takes on a poignant meaning other than stumbling when Jesus is mentioned falling on his journey at Stations 3, 7, and 11. Are we looking at the Gestations of the cross, 'gestation' alluding to the carrying of an embryo inside a female? Both 7 and 11 are significant for it is on the former that the egg begins to develop and the latter when it reaches maturity.

Jesus meets with his mother at Station 4 and the suggestion here is that the spark of life is at that point, within the female parent for it is on this day, the 4th that the egg starts development in the follicle. At Station 5 Simon of Cyrene carries the Cross for Jesus, and we cannot mistake the term 'carrying' meaning that of a pregnant mother. Station 6 sees Veronica wiping the face of Jesus. From this account arose the legend that that upon pausing to wipe sweat away from the Lord using her veil, his image imprinted itself on her cloth. What is happening here is the imprint of Jesus on her cloth replicates the way external genital changes in an embryo develops on the 6th week after fertilisation. As the Cross carrying Jesus in the story is male we are therefore being indicated in this instance the sex determination of a boy as the embryonic gender cannot be determined for the initial six weeks of development. Station 8 shows us how Jesus 'meets with the daughters of Jerusalem', the biblical Luke 21-23 refers to this encounter as Jesus making further reference to motherhood or lack of; 'But woe to them that are with child.' Jesus is 'stripped of his garments' at Station 10, which parallels with an egg which if unfertile causes the uterine lining to shed or strip away enabling the body to prepare for the next egg and potential for pregnancy.

At Station 12 the outstretched arms of Jesus hang on the Cross, a full representation of the female fallopian tubes and womb that bleeds, Christ, in this respect being in all women. His body is removed from the Cross at Station 13 and at this point of death, the potential of new birth, the key word 'transformation' is recorded in the symbolism of the Tarot Death card 13. Modern Hebrew affords the name 'Yeshu' for Jesus, and resembles the phonetic pronunciation of 'Issue', the description of the blood during a woman's period. Station 14 presents Jesus laid in the tomb and day 14 of pregnancy is when ovulation is most fertile. It is at this juncture that the mysterious figure of Mary Magdalene comes to seek her Lord and biblical text tells us she thinks the tomb has been looted and he is no longer there. One wonders why of all people it is the Magdalene who arrives to seek the Christ, only to find no-one there. She wouldn't, for by inference it is that Mary, by virtue of being alone in the empty tomb that was supposed to house Jesus, was indeed the true 'Jesus' figure.

The Magdalene is thought to have come from Magdala, a town said to have been on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, hence her naming, but if we resort again to the Collective Unconscious we will see her title within the neurological word 'Amygdala', the almond-like nucleus' within the brain, recent studies suggesting that there are correlations between brain structure, the amygdala and sexual orientation. Allowing the Collective Unconscious to elucidate further at this recorded scene of a 'looted tomb' of a corpse, we are being imprinted the memory of 'Corpus luteum', essential for maintaining and establishing pregnancy, being what is left of the follicle after a woman ovulates. In some accounts, we are told that the Roman soldier Longinus pierced the side of Christ with what is now known as 'The Spear of Destiny' and surely so one of destiny, for here the egg has been ruptured and bleeds, the menstrual cycle starting over as pregnancy has been missed. Within his title Longinus, veils the word 'gyn', which means, in composition, 'female'.

If we leave the Stations for now and turn to the hidden meanings in the Lost Mother Tongue, another of my tools, we can find further female reproductive references from the Collective Unconscious, for as Jesus made his way to Calvary we cannot help enunciating the place name Calvary without noticing that when we pronounce the syllable 'Cal' we have to express an 'o' as we approach the second syllable, providing us with a 'Cal-ovary', a reference to an ovary. Jesus even bleeds as he bends down, as a menstruating woman might, (Luke 22; 54-62), and yet again the Lost Mother Tongue reveals the phonetic 'get semen' in the name of this garden where it occurred - Gethsemane. It becomes clearer why at Easter we celebrate the Jesus story with eggs, (now, unfortunately replaced with the commercial chocolate variety) as this confirms an unconscious reflection on the female gamete sex cell or egg, the ovum.

One traditional story concerning Mary Magdalene after Jesus' resurrection captures this well. The Emperor Tiberius held a banquet and invited her and when she appeared she greeted him by holding a plain egg thought to symbolise the rising Christ. Caesar declared the chance of having Christ rising from the dead as unlikely as the egg she was holding turning red, but no sooner had he uttered it than the egg obliged. Another version from the Greek tells of Mary placing a basket full of eggs at the foot of the crucifixion, a clear symbolism from what we have now learned, of ovary eggs. Both accounts remind us that failure of the (white) egg to fertilise will lead to the oncoming return cycle of menstruation, and red. In John 17:1 just before the betrayal and crucifixion, Jesus says; 'Father, the time has come ...' - 'timing' is what differentiates a fertilised egg from an embryo.

Easter is celebrated as the time that Jesus is slain and resurrects, and the precise date of this slightly changing yearly celebration is decided by the first Sunday after or on the full moon, which given us further clues into our arrival at a female Jesus as menstruation and ovulation more or less follow the 28 day lunar cycle. Our English word 'Easter' heralds from the Anglo-Saxon 'Eastre' taken from the pagan goddess whose Spring festivals were called Eastron. However, the unconscious origin of these semantics brings us full circle back to obstetrics and the variant of estrus, oestrus - the period of sexual receptivity in most female mammals when ovulation occurs. It appears that the French myth of Jesus being married to a pregnant Mary Magdalene stems from an unconscious memory that a fictional male Jesus is instead mirroring a representation of an actual pregnant Mary. The word 'marry' is from the Old French 'Marier', phonetic 'Maria' as in Maria Magdalene.

Finally, I felt that with the Collective Unconscious providing deep psychological evidence for a female Jesus by revealing an obstetric alternative of The Stations of the Cross, then maybe it had also provided at least further evidence hidden in architecture or art. I found it at Spain, firstly at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo de la Calzada where we can see the male Jesus wearing what most western minds will perceive as a female dress. A question to ask is, if crucifixion was not meant only as execution but as a humiliation designed to expose vulnerability, why then were loin cloths placed to cover the genitals? Writings by Seneca the Younger suggest otherwise, recording that victims were crucified entirely naked. Could it be that the male Jesus had his genitalia covered because deep down we knew the figure was a female?

More striking visual evidence is at Galicia, where we see on one side of the Cross our traditional male Jesus but on the obverse side a crucified female, inferring that the male is in fact female, and that the double cross at the Last Supper is an allegory of the double cross, the XX, of the female chromosome. Given that an increasing number of historians are trying to erase the figure of a Jesus completely, I hope I can equally erase that notion by 'resurrecting' the figure, restoring it to an original gender as Jesus the female, the truth of which was deliberately concealed and altered by a male church who not only wanted emphasis and importance put on the male by stamping evidence out and eradicated all the adherents of ancient Mother Goddess worship, but who wanted neither men nor women to have any understanding of female gynaecology.

Many will strongly contest what I have presented here and choose to dismiss it as fantasy. In fairness and balance, I will respectfully remind them that having to accept a man born of a virgin, walking on water and resurrecting after death could be viewed, equally, just as that.

Dan's book, "The Murder of Mary Magdalene -Synchronicity and the Scarlet Saint" is available now at Amazon:

His new book, "Activation Code Earth", is available to download as a free ebook from Comments (69)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #60 Posted by DieChecker 11 years ago
Usually John, believed to be the youngest of the Apostles, is shown with his head laid down, or sleeping, or reclining next to Jesus. Almost all Last Suppers show the 12 remaining Apostles, so if one is Mary, which Apostle is always being left out? Lots of pictures at Wiki with no woman, but lots with a young John.
Comment icon #61 Posted by Sundew 11 years ago
. . nah. I'm sitting here looking at a print of The Last Supper .. and the person at his right .. looks like a girrrrl in any version of the painting i've seen * The artist of the day often painted a young, sometimes feminine, looking Apostle John, but don't let that fool you. The Bible calls John and his brother James "the sons of thunder" and they were ready to call fire down on a city that rejected their message about Jesus. However, Jesus rebuked them for their rash behavior.
Comment icon #62 Posted by Sundew 11 years ago
"Among mammals, a virgin birth (parthenogenesis) can only produce female offspring, for chromosomal reasons" - Frank Zindler That assumes, however that the cells in the offsprings body only come from the mother. From a purely scientific view that might be true, but that of courses discounts the supernatural. A transcendent God who made everything from nothing would have not trouble in producing a male offspring from a virgin.
Comment icon #63 Posted by lightly 11 years ago
Usually John, believed to be the youngest of the Apostles, is shown with his head laid down, or sleeping, or reclining next to Jesus. Almost all Last Suppers show the 12 remaining Apostles, so if one is Mary, which Apostle is always being left out? http://en.wikipedia....iki/Last_Supper Lots of pictures at Wiki with no woman, but lots with a young John. http://en.wikipedia....Twelve_Apostles Yup , total of 12 apostles in the painting. Just sayin... the one on Jesus' right almost always looks VERY feminine... none more so than the original Davinci version. ...Except maybe in the print on my wal... [More]
Comment icon #64 Posted by freetoroam 11 years ago
The first painting of the last supper was in 1308 by Duccio, where did he get the deions from to paint them like that, because the deions of jesus varies, let alone his posse.
Comment icon #65 Posted by lightly 11 years ago
The first painting of the last supper was in 1308 by Duccio, where did he get the deions from to paint them like that, because the deions of jesus varies, let alone his posse. interesting painting, " nappiing "john"? is on Jesus' left ,rather than right and he looks like a young guy , instead of effeminate as in so many others? interesting piece of 'fabric' hanging on the beam ....... and, what' in that bowl ?! lol. Thanks freetoroam , i didn't know that , i assumed Davinvi's was first. ..good question.
Comment icon #66 Posted by H132 10 years ago
wow {facepalm}
Comment icon #67 Posted by Neognosis 10 years ago
short answer: No.
Comment icon #68 Posted by acute 10 years ago
Jesus was well documented by the Romans and was definitely male!
Comment icon #69 Posted by JGirl 10 years ago
gender is irrelevent. jesus is the word not the person anyway

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