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T. Stokes

Buy yourself a politician

February 20, 2006 | Comment icon 0 comments
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Almost all the paranormal, spiritual and new age sites on the net, have the proviso that they will accept no articles with a “them and us “ scenario, but at times the spiritual warrior in us demands just that.The work done by all New Agers for saving the planet, against animal cruelty and exploitation, for equality and fair treatment, and awareness of climate change, is beyond measure. Just this morning I had a message from the “save the Whales” campaign, and to help stop the pollution of the seas, the world itself, and the air we breathe but for all the work done by the people who care, there are vested monetary interests who will often align to stop the people, the “them,” in the, them and us scenario. Multi-national companies will sponsor no-hoper type politicians who will not question their morals or motives , this sponsorship means they will be slid on a carpet of banknotes into power, where their investment will then pay off “big-time”. Many people believe that George Bush and Tony Blair were elected illegally, these financial backers will then as secret puppet-masters, control the politicians and the country, for themselves, and distort all contradictory news statements.

Only the internet is free from the views of its financial shareholders- for now. A senior intelligence source told me that when the British soldiers were sent out to attack Iraq, it was 3 weeks later that the weaponry food and equipment arrived, if Saddham had these W.M.Ds we were told he did, he would have used them on the defenceless troops then- my source said it was obvious to everyone that these were government lies, and that he had only the weapons sold him, by us. The popular car bumper sticker, “ join the army, go die for Israel” may not be far wide of the mark. In 1997 Britain’s Tony Blair discussed his plans for a freedom of information act, yet desperately tried to suppress a leaked government memo that George Bush wanted to commit an act of terrorism on his own ally in Qatar, and bomb Al-Jaseera. The journalist who ran the story is being prosecuted for breaking the official secrets act, which contravenes the freedom of information policy, which is itself at odds with E.E.C rulings covering national guidelines, but all news can be stifled at birth, with the accusation that it contains “racist elements”.

The racism industry in Britain was brought in by guess who ? The same financial backers to Tony Blair and George Bush. Here is something to digest with your next meal;

* A young British T.V cook Jamie Oliver, exposed the fact that large food suppliers were supplying very poor quality food in school dinners to our children, these were out of date, unnutritious and unhealthy, but the contract was won with donations to Tony’s Party.

* British public drinking houses, despite public disapproval over the links to alcohol and crime, are to remain open 24 hours a day, a leaked memo tells us the drinks industry gave a “financial remuneration” to Tony Blair.

* Home office minister David Blunkett, honey trapped with a baby by an Israel agent,
changed and influenced the pharmaceutical laws, and received massive stocks and share benefits for bending statistics on several themes, outed by angry intelligence agents.

* Agreement in Britain for 24 hour a day on line gambling, and the loosening of gambling rules across the board, again newspaper investigators discovered monetary donations to Tony Blair and party advisors.

* Schoolchildren as young as 7 given lectures and pamphlets on

“ alternative sexualities” with discussions on experimentation on erogenous zones, prostitution, homosexuality, with animals and “manbys” ( man boy relationships ) breaking down the family is an agenda exposed in the Christian family journal.

How this benefits anyone is beyond me, especially as although Tony Blair espouses the heterophobic agenda, is actually married to a woman. This is as big a hypocrisy as forcing the single M.M.R. vaccinations on the country but having separate jabs for his own children. U.S drugs manufacturers have set up a company in Memphis, to talent scout and employ cheer leaders and beauty queens to be sales women to sell more drugs. This unbelievable scenario was highlighted in the Guardian newspaper of Nov. 29 2005, and went on to say on its website “Spirited Sales” that those who could push themselves on the playing field, should have the ability to do so again in sales. The fact that one quarter of all deaths are from pharmaceutical side effects, and that all surveys, medical journals and advertisements, even general practitioners in Britain are controlled by them, and that we in Britain take on average 373 painkillers alone each year ( B.M.J figures) and that under Tony Blair we now eat 15 pounds in weight a year of pesticides, disinfectants, crop sprays, preservatives and pharmaceutical products, is only allowed to continue because of the huge financial donations given to guess who ?

So when you think about voting, think what faceless and unaccountable multi-national companies gave birth to this man, remember political figures are in theory supposed to speak for us, not use us as private armies to fight wars by proxy for their friends and foreign backers abroad.

It is time that democracy actually meant serving the people who vote for them, transparency is never more necessary than now. So when you read that no articles with a “them and us” theme will be considered, ask yourself, this will not help us but we can guess who ? it will help. Comments (0)

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