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T. Stokes

Tim Field: Death of a spiritual seeker

July 12, 2006 | Comment icon 2 comments
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Tim Field has died aged 53 from cancer. Once in a lifetime comes a man who turns over the stones of existing order with such force, that all the life forms underneath have to scurry away, such a man was Tim Field. A giant among men, whom bullies in the army, workplace, schools and the British mail system greatly fearedTim, a quietly spiritual British man became a world expert on the psychiatric injuries from bullying when in 1994 after 20 years working in industry he suffered a breakdown from work place harassment.His recovery meant in 1997 he published the groundbreaking book, “Bully in sight”This signalled a landslide in British cultural change, this was re-published in 30 countries.In 1998 Tim published David Kinchins book on Post Traumatic Stress disorder,“The invisible injury” and in 2001 co-authored with Neil Marr,“Bullycide, death at playtime” an expose of child suicide from bullying.Tim had a vision of a bully free world, and he campaigned tirelessly in schools, higher education and the workplace to achieve this goal.His website was deluged with bullying and harassment cases from all over the country, often with conflict and violence, the 5000 cases he worked on personally make truly awful reading.The current British media hubbub over youngsters carrying knives, does not ask the question, why do they feel the need ?
And the answer is wide spread bullying and intimidation, often dismissed as “peer pressure” Children as young as 6 are learning the killing skills of karate boxing and judo, and do not have the mental maturity and balance to have these abilities.The numbers for attacking others in schools and workplaces, on film in what are known as “slap-attacks” have gone through the roof, as have self harming cases.A recent study by police outside pubs at closing time in the chav capital of Britain, kings Lynn, says every style of martial arts was drunkenly displayed in the many fracas at closing time, unbelievably, most police stations are closed at night. So should we extend the ban from knives to cover martial arts training ?many think we should.Recognition of Tim Field’s work meant eventual policy changes from the C.B.I( Confederation of British Industry ) but with little acknowledgement from trade unions and government.The government policy of “Crown immunity meant that no one was responsible for the appalling series of deaths at Deepcut army Barracks,And the findings of Prof. Cary Cooper of Manchester Uni, of entrenched managerial institutional racial and sexual harassment at Britain’s Royal Mail, again no managers were held responsible, and in a similar case at the Royal Mint, a worker forced to work with condemned equipment was killed when it toppled over on him.Whistleblowers on harassment, at government institutions such as the N.H.SRoyal mail, Prisons, railways and schools were silenced and sacked.(look up Dr. Andrew Wakefield )Norfolk farmer Tony Martin, abandoned by the police, was forced to guard his own property, shot and killed a burglar in the dark, he given a long prison sentence, yet a police team followed and shot 7 times in the head, an unarmed Brazillian lad, told an incredible pack of lies about it and no one is deemed responsible because of “Crown Immunity.”

Many see a linkage between youngsters “taxing” children in the playground for their dinner money, as a microcosm of the national leader who decides to tax another nation for their oil deposits, we may put on trial such leaders as Saddham Hussein andSlobodan Milosevic for war crimes, yet Blair Bush and Sharon go free, having done the same.Many countries see this as, “victors justice” We are told all peoples are equal under British law, but casualties in Iraq do not count,only British and American numbers are important, now that’s real government racism,this caused the recent Asian riots in Britain an France.Crown immunity should go the way of the Dodo, no one should be above the law in the Britain of 2006, for we truly are in the global community,we are all our brothers keeper.We owe Tim Field a great debt, Tim moved mountains, yet there is still a way to go,His work on bullies is carried on by such organisations as the Andrea Adams trust. Comments (2)

Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Dark_Ambient__ 18 years ago
Bullies enjoy hurting people and they KNOW what there doing. Ignorance is not the issue. An opposite and equal force is neccesary to stop these people. Self- defence laws should be slakened so that what whatever force is required to stop them can be done. This way the bullies; the cowards they are;would stop bullying. The reason i believe that there are so many instances of harrasment is because they know they are going to get away with it.
Comment icon #2 Posted by thomas.james2069 18 years ago
i've seen first hand how bullies behave in the workplace and get away with it. i've seen how bosses many times won't do anything about a bully's behavior until they, the bosses, are personally affected by it. i respect people who stand up to bullies. perhaps tim field will inspire others to do what he did.

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