T. Stokes
Police and psychics
November 19, 2006 |
Image Credit: stockxpert
In the early eighties, I was surprised to have 2 policemen arrive on my doorstep,I wrongly assumed my son had been bunking off school again, however the policemen were very polite and asked if I could assist them in a very strange and delicate situation. We chatted in my front room over the little billiard table, and I was told there had been some sheep mutilations in Yorkshire England, and black magic practitioners were suspected, and they needed advice from someone with occult knowledge, as the local community was up in arms and wanted it stopped and fast.At that time I had advised the police on several interesting cases, if what you say coincides with what they think they take notice, otherwise they take little notice, and often mickey take behind your back From a police document dated from around that time in my possession,They claim that after any high profile crime, particularly murder, they can be contacted by up to 200 and I quote' “assorted nutters, tea leaf readers, granny channellers and U.F.O spotters, all wanting to confess, incriminate enemies and often really believing they can help solve the crime”But the police when stumped do ask for help, Peter Hurkos, Gerard Croiset and ,Joe Benjamin and in particular were asked many times for assistance.Doris Stokes had just completed some psychic testing at one of the universities and had done extremely well, but was said to be in Australia.
Remember the authorities can ask you to sign the official secrets act, and although they are not allowed to pay you, you can apply to get travel expenses.So I immediately wanted the available information on these awful sheep mutilations,The dates on which these crimes are perpetrated can be the source of much information, Primitive festivals, devilish celebration dates, even moon phases can give precious knowledge, many people find it hard to grasp but certain Christian saint's days are ideal for some evil rites, and if any body parts are missing this can also be a valuable source of information, even the way the bodies lay can tell a story.Looking at photographs in every case where the animals bodies were undisturbed by farmers and investigators, and in one case a convoy of Irish tinkers and even family of foxes,- it appeared as if the animals were chased and torn apart, Inside the mouth, and leg tendons showed signs of having run in terror,On asking for a couple of the sheep to be shorn clean to examine wound markings,I disagreed with the police about a black magic group being responsible.The local paper and the Vicar were whipping up some strong feelings, andThe Police wanted to nick a couple of occult wierdo's and clear their books up.A close search of the site revealed no gun cartridges, so it definitely was not cattle rustlers either, but on police insistence I put the word out in town centre pubs to reach various groups in the area that I was thinking of joining such a group.Sticking your head above the parapet is never a good idea with anything so repulsive, And I began to get hate mail from religionists, animal carers and even some death threats from a sceptic's group who kept saying all paranormal stuff is bunk.
Word got back to my little spiritualist church that I was involved in bad stuff, and that took some lengthy explaining I can tell you.The philosophy behind occult groups killing animals goes back to the Old Testament,Where the Rabbi's would use the life force in the slaying to act as a vehicle for harnessing demonic energies, for a variety of reasons, the blood in particular would be deemed to be of special value, the further up the sentient scale, the greater the value of the killing for various nefarious purposes, which I do not want to go into. About this time acting on a hunch I enquired about any reports of large animals in the area such as big cats, the police thought this was hilarious, and kept putting a saucer of milk out when I came in, and kept telling me it was “ little green men “It turned out there had indeed been several reports of big cats in the moorland area, And the statement of a late night minicab driver was crucial to getting footprint plaster casts of a very large cat.After more police mickey taking, they narrowed down the killings to the time a small circus that visited the moor a couple of years back.The police questioned the circus owner who admitted that with the increasing unpopularity of caged up animals forced to do tricks, she had let it go to fend for itself on the Yorkshire moors.If it were me I would have pressed for a prosecution, I felt that at least the big cat could be sold to a private zoo, but I was told there was quite a glut of similar animal's, And no one wanted it. So all the talk about occult groups gathering on the moors at night to commit horrific crimes was just total nonsense.Although certain mental disorders begin with animal killings and then develop on to people murders, they do show murderers almost always start with animals, and a check on previous crime lists can usually show who will gravitate to this abomination, and even when,It is as a rule nothing to do with black magic and all to do with a twisted sexual gratification.
T Stokes paranormalist.
I would like to state at no time have I participated in any killing ritual,And would urge others that the dangers from occult practices of this nature are very real.
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