World of the Bizarre
Airline pilot startled by flying shark
T.K. RandallJanuary 7, 2012 ·
Image Credit: CC 3.0 Pikappa
A passenger jet pilot coming in to land was startled by a flying shark over Christchurch in New Zealand.
The pilot had been preparing to land when he radioed ground control to report a blue shark flying at an altitude of several thousand feet. The bizarre sight was soon identified as a remote-controlled helium-filled Air Swimmer shark that someone had probably received as a Christmas present. Warnings went out to other pilots in the area to steer clear of it.
The 1. 44-metre-long Air Swimmer toy has a radio receiver attached to its underside and can be operated by remote control over a range of 15m. Designer-developer William Mark Corporation warns that the shark is for "strictly indoor use only".
Sydney Morning Herald |
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