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Archaeology & History

Was Noah's Ark a 'double-decker coracle' ?

By T.K. Randall
December 16, 2013 · Comment icon 76 comments

An artist's interpretation of Noah's Ark. Image Credit: Domenico Morelli
Museum expert Irving Finkel believes that the biblical vessel wasn't the shape depicted in most pictures.
A huge wooden boat large enough to house two of every animal species on the planet, the seemingly infeasible Noah's Ark has been a staple of the biblical flood story for generations and its final resting place has long been something of a mystery.
While some believe that the story and the ark itself are nothing but a myth, others have dedicated their lives to researching and locating the vessel. Now Dr Irving Finkel believes that he has identified a new interpretation of the ark in the form of an ancient cuneiform script found on a 4,700-year-old clay tablet.

The ancient writing provides building instructions for an ark depicted as a round coracle approximately 65m across and 6m high. Built using ropes and waterproofed rushes, the circular vessel would have been quite different to the traditional boat-like ark traditionally depicted in biblical artwork.

Source: IB Times | Comments (76)

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Comment icon #67 Posted by cormac mac airt 11 years ago
I don't know if this article is relevant to the topic or not.I am adding it as it discusses habitation and flooding of the Persian Gulf.Some of the flood myths may have been based on this event. Lost civilization under Persian Gulf? jmccr8 For anyone interested here's a picture of the stages of Persian Gulf sea levels as discussed in Jeffrey Rose's paper: cormac
Comment icon #68 Posted by jmccr8 11 years ago
Thanks Cormac for the pics. jmccr8
Comment icon #69 Posted by cormac mac airt 11 years ago
Thanks Cormac for the pics. jmccr8 Any time. While I don't think the Persian Gulf's having been dry for such a large period of time has anything to do with the Great Flood story, particularly since the Marine Transgression of the northern Persian Gulf c. 4000 - 3000 BC would have been more recent to memory of the people in that area, it does help provide a clue as to how anatomically modern humans (AMH) moved out of Africa and into Arabia prior to migrations elsewhere. It also helps in understanding the earliest DNA migrations in that regard as well IMO. cormac
Comment icon #70 Posted by jmccr8 11 years ago
Hi Cormac, I had added this link in my Neandertal thread and thought that it might add to my previous post as it discusses river routes that may have facilitated the movement of modern man into this region. PLOS ONE: Were Rivers Flowing across the Sahara During the Last Interglacial? Implications for Human Migration through Africa jmccr8
Comment icon #71 Posted by cormac mac airt 11 years ago
Hi Cormac, I had added this link in my Neandertal thread and thought that it might add to my previous post as it discusses river routes that may have facilitated the movement of modern man into this region. PLOS ONE: Were Rivers Flowing across the Sahara During the Last Interglacial? Implications for Human Migration through Africa jmccr8 Hi jmccr8, Already had that one in my files, but it goes well with Jeffrey Rose's paper IMO since it shows that the entire region was alot different than most people even realize. Where now there is desert, there is evidence of (now long gone) sustainable food... [More]
Comment icon #72 Posted by docyabut2 11 years ago
For anyone interested here's a picture of the stages of Persian Gulf sea levels as discussed in Jeffrey Rose's paper: cormac gee jimccr and comic I was about ready to post the same thing http://www.livescien...rsian-gulf.html
Comment icon #73 Posted by Mentalcase 11 years ago
I didn't read the whole thread, but Noah's Ark could be a metaphor. Say if we needed a Noah's Ark today, it would just consist of DNA samples and some type of cloning device. There is a theory out there, which I don't subscribe to, but it is fun to think about.. That we came from a different Solar System/Planet/etc. We arrived with an "Ark" of the faun and flora that creates a sustaining ecosystem, essential for human life to thrive. It would be a lot of work, but in a few years, this wouldn't be so hard to tackle.
Comment icon #74 Posted by ShadowSot 11 years ago
Yeah... that isn't a theory. In any case, that idea ignores the wealth of evidence demonstrating evolution. Best you can say would be some sort of panspermia, but that far predates any sort of possibility of legend. That said, I liked Titan A.E. Though there is a problem that even in the animal kingdom young animals need to be taught by their parents certain behaviours, cloning wouldn't work.
Comment icon #75 Posted by questionmark 11 years ago
I didn't read the whole thread, but Noah's Ark could be a metaphor. Say if we needed a Noah's Ark today, it would just consist of DNA samples and some type of cloning device. There is a theory out there, which I don't subscribe to, but it is fun to think about.. That we came from a different Solar System/Planet/etc. We arrived with an "Ark" of the faun and flora that creates a sustaining ecosystem, essential for human life to thrive. It would be a lot of work, but in a few years, this wouldn't be so hard to tackle. Noah's Ark is a metaphor or a pretty puerile attempt to explain the finding of ... [More]
Comment icon #76 Posted by AlienDan 11 years ago
How did the koala bears get back to Australia?

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