3-year-old knows who killed him in past life
T.K. RandallMay 23, 2014 ·
Do we reincarnate when we die ? Image Credit: sxc.hu
The young boy's story is one of the most fascinating accounts of reincarnation to have arisen in years.
A resident of the Golan Heights region between Israel and Syria, the boy was born in to a culture that accepts reincarnation as unquestionable fact, yet despite the controversial nature of his claims it becomes difficult to simply dismiss his story as a mere fabrication.
According to the testimony of Dr. Eli Lasch who witnessed the events as they unfolded, the three-year-old was born with a red birthmark on his head, a sign that some believe to be associated with the way in which a person had died in their past life.
As he grew up the boy seemed to recall details of his previous existence, including the village that he used to live in and the fact that he believed he had been killed by a blow to head with an axe. He was later taken to the village he'd specified where he started to recall even more information, including his own name and even the name of the person who he said had killed him. He was taken to see the alleged killer face to face but while the man seemed uneasy, he would not admit to any crimes.
Perhaps the most remarkable part of this tale however was when the boy was taken to the spot at which he believed his past self had been buried. Beneath the soil was found a skeleton with a head injury that exactly matched his birthmark.
When confronted with this evidence his alleged killer immediately turned himself in.
The Epoch Times |
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Reincarnation, Past Life
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