Nature & Environment
Northern white rhinos on brink of extinction
T.K. RandallOctober 19, 2014 ·
Two of the last remaining northern white rhinos. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Guy lemal
One of the last remaining northern white rhinos has died leaving only six left alive in the whole world.
The 34-year-old rhino, the first of its species ever born in captivity, was found dead at its home in Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
The Kenya Wildlife Service has scheduled an autopsy to determine how the animal died however it is not thought to have been the result of poaching.
The loss is particularly devastating to conservationists as it had been one of only two breeding male northern white rhinos left alive.
"Consequently the species now stands at the brink of complete extinction, a sorry testament to the greed of the human race," the Ol Pejeta Conservancy said in a statement.
"We will continue to do what we can to work with the remaining three animals on Ol Pejeta in the hope that our efforts will one day result in the successful birth of a northern white rhino calf."
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Northern White Rhino
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