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Northern white rhinos on brink of extinction

By T.K. Randall
October 19, 2014 · Comment icon 33 comments

Two of the last remaining northern white rhinos. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Guy lemal
One of the last remaining northern white rhinos has died leaving only six left alive in the whole world.
The 34-year-old rhino, the first of its species ever born in captivity, was found dead at its home in Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

The Kenya Wildlife Service has scheduled an autopsy to determine how the animal died however it is not thought to have been the result of poaching.
The loss is particularly devastating to conservationists as it had been one of only two breeding male northern white rhinos left alive.

"Consequently the species now stands at the brink of complete extinction, a sorry testament to the greed of the human race," the Ol Pejeta Conservancy said in a statement.

"We will continue to do what we can to work with the remaining three animals on Ol Pejeta in the hope that our efforts will one day result in the successful birth of a northern white rhino calf."

Source: Wildlife News | Comments (33)

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Comment icon #24 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
But the poor rhino wasn't killed by poachers. It would not have been news either had it not been for all those which were: "Consequently the species now stands at the brink of complete extinction, a sorry testament to the greed of the human race," a spokesman said. Perfect. 9 Billion people on the planet, for the most part greedy A**HOLES, and we can't take care of a half dozen creatures that have thrived on Earth for MILLIONS OF YEARS!!! WTFFFFF!!!! We c... [More]
Comment icon #25 Posted by Sundew 10 years ago
This would seem like a good argument for cloning or at least lab created embryo implantation, using the more common Black Rhino as a surrogate mother. Failing that, this is a subspecies of the White Rhino, you could increase the population and the genetic diversity by allowing a male of the northern subspecies access to several females of the southern subspecies. True you would not have a "pure" Northern White Rhino but consider the benefits: In Florida there lives a subspecies of cougar called the Florida Panther, genetically isolated from all the other subspecies of cougar, it was suffering ... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
This would seem like a good argument for cloning This would seem like a good argument for killing off the poachers.
Comment icon #27 Posted by Myles 10 years ago
This would seem like a good argument for killing off the poachers. True, but in this case it is too late.
Comment icon #28 Posted by PresidentBruno 10 years ago
So, until they can become wealthy countries like the rest of us they are the ones that, as you put it, who "...need to stop breeding so bloody much."? When people say "over-population" it needs to be looked at regionally. 900 million people in Nigeria compared to that many in like all of Europe is a rather significant difference.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Likely Guy 10 years ago
When people say "over-population" it needs to be looked at regionally. 900 million people in Nigeria compared to that many in like all of Europe is a rather significant difference. Your '900 million' figure, let us not forget is based on a year 2100 figure projection (let's call that someone saying that 'if' the current rate continues there will be 900 mil. people living there in about 85 years). I don't have a problem that math at all. The problem that I have, was your declaration that people, like Nigerians, should stop breeding because their population growth is doing exactly the same as it... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by PresidentBruno 10 years ago
Your '900 million' figure, let us not forget is based on a year 2100 figure projection (let's call that someone saying that 'if' the current rate continues there will be 900 mil. people living there in about 85 years). I don't have a problem that math at all. The problem that I have, was your declaration that people, like Nigerians, should stop breeding because their population growth is doing exactly the same as it did here in Canada almost 100 years ago (or, as in other western countries). Your words of wisdom, seems to me to be, "Get rich quick, stop having kids. Sorry you're too late to th... [More]
Comment icon #31 Posted by Myles 10 years ago
Certain regions can support certain numbers of people. A country the size of Nigeria with over 900 million people = BAD NEWS. It's like how there are way too many people in the desert in the American west where there are not enough resources to support that many permanently. You shouldn't use the 900 million number when Nigeria presently only has 175 million. Projections change. Also, you are looking at just one side of it. Look at the following website about debt and the countries you consider "wealthy. [More]
Comment icon #32 Posted by Likely Guy 10 years ago
Canada is very sparsely populated. You have major population centers near the southern borders, and besides that it is mostly desolate. ...and you don't have a clue what you're talking about. The first parts you said were true though.
Comment icon #33 Posted by Karasu 10 years ago
Got it. Europe good. Africa bad. No. THIS Rhino was not killed by poachers. This Rhino's death matters A LOT MORE because of what poachers did to the species. There is a subspecies of Black Rhino which is now extinct too. This is even worse because it is a matter of debate that this might be a totally separate species to the Southern White Rhino. And the world has lost not half its species, but about that in terms of biomass or something like that. It's bad, but not as bad as the person who mentioned it above described. As for overpopulation that is more regional. Europe has an underpopulation... [More]

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