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World of the Bizarre

Insurance firm now covers death by Dalek

By T.K. Randall
March 4, 2015 · Comment icon 17 comments

At least the Doctor will have somewhere to take out his life insurance. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Nelo Hotsuma
Virgin Money is offering a variety of bizarre insurance policies covering a range of unlikely scenarios.
In an effort to highlight the importance of life insurance the financial giant has announced a series of unconventional policies to cover things that are extremely unlikely to actually happen.

Some of the nonsensical disasters that are now covered include a Dalek invasion, getting trampled on by Godzilla, being fried by the ray gun of an invader from Mars, being attacked by the Loch Ness Monster and even being squashed under the feet of a 100ft tall Stay Puft marshmallow man.
"In life we spend too much time imagining the things that will never happen," said Virgin Money director Darrell Evans. "For example, around 30 million lottery tickets are sold in the UK every Saturday to hopeful people thinking that they might just win."

"The odds are in fact higher that they could meet an unfortunate end on the way to buying a ticket than they are to win the jackpot."

Other items on the list include being cursed by Lord Voldemort, being killed in a Decepticon attack and being swallowed up by a giant shark that has been deposited by a tornado.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (17)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #8 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Daleks absolutely exist. One could fall over on you at the set of a Dr Who episode. Then where would you be without insurance??
Comment icon #9 Posted by theotherguy 10 years ago
Are people actually buying this insurance? Can vampires collect on life insurance?
Comment icon #10 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Are people actually buying this insurance? Can vampires collect on life insurance? Would it be Coffin-to-Coffin insurance?
Comment icon #11 Posted by StRoostifer 10 years ago
Are people actually buying this insurance? Can vampires collect on life insurance? The vampire policy, as I understand it, is limited to but not limited to death by stake. Hope this clarifies things.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Realm 10 years ago
So if you get ran over by a car, they probably won't pay, but a coyote dropping a piano on your head, no problem.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Blurfoot 10 years ago
I am not worried about Daleks. There is only so much damage a whisk and a sink plunger can do.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Taun 10 years ago
Free money for the insurance company is all this is...
Comment icon #15 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 10 years ago
I'm just waiting for insurance that covers medical expenses resulting in physical and emotion trauma caused by alien abuctions.
Comment icon #16 Posted by 2ChltDiscsW-ACremeyCntr 10 years ago
Wherever there is great enough demand eventually a supplier is going to appear...
Comment icon #17 Posted by Stubbly_Dooright 10 years ago
Well, cool! Covers extermination!!!!! Gotta love that! Are they serious? Daleks don't exist. O_O; At least I don't think so. It has to be a promo for the show! Well, if you think about it, it's probably advertising for it's company. Pay the rates, for something, never to happen. (Makes me think of saying something funny like, 'boy, would love to see the looks in their eyes when those Daleks come a calling!' EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN! Are people actually buying this insurance? Can vampires collect on life insurance? Oooooh, I so want to say something about blood suckers and ................................ [More]

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