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Girl struck by lightning while opening fridge

By T.K. Randall
June 5, 2015 · Comment icon 21 comments

The lightning struck without warning. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 Blyskawica
High school student Macie Martinez was struck by a bolt of lightning while standing inside her kitchen.
The teenager and her parents, who live near Lake Travis in the US state of Texas, had just emerged from their pantry after sheltering there following a local tornado warning.

According to reports, Macie had opened the fridge door to fetch some food when she was suddenly struck by a powerful bolt of lightning that left her screaming in agony.

"I remember when I was holding on it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my whole life," she said. "Then, afterwards, I couldn't feel my legs, and I couldn't walk and I was just shaking."

After pulling her clear of the fridge her parents rushed her to the nearest hospital.
Doctors revealed that she had sustained a wound on her back where the electricity had left her body as well as burns on her arms. It was remarkable that she hadn't been killed.

According to a neighbor the lightning had come up from underneath the house and went out through the roof. All the major kitchen appliances were fried and there were scorch marks everywhere.

"I feel very lucky. Lucky to be sitting here doing this interview today," said Macie.

"Normally, I'd go outside in the rain, but now it's like oh my gosh, there may be a storm I need to stay inside. I need to be safe. Stay in bed. It's a change."

Her parents have since installed lightning rods and a surge protector in the house in an effort to prevent anything similar from ever happening again.

Source: My Fox Austin | Comments (21)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #12 Posted by moon tide 10 years ago
It looks as if lightning doesn't care where you are these days. We must be very careful. Vigilant.
Comment icon #13 Posted by third_eye 10 years ago
You guys think maybe that's the fridge from the set of Ghostbusters ?
Comment icon #14 Posted by Mistydawn 10 years ago
Holy Moley! Poor girl.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Hawkin 10 years ago
I think the average odds of being struck by lightening are 1 in a million.
Comment icon #16 Posted by BeastieRunner 10 years ago
You guys think maybe that's the fridge from the set of Ghostbusters ?
Comment icon #17 Posted by Sundew 10 years ago
I think the average odds of being struck by lightening are 1 in a million. Somewhat better where I live, in fact I received an indirect hit while using a radial arm saw in my basement. Sparks flew from every receptacle in the basement and if felt like someone hit me in the testicles with a hammer! Other than that I'm fine now. Other than that I'm fine now.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Robert1 10 years ago
I think the average odds of being struck by lightening are 1 in a million. Actually, I believe it's closer to 1 in 70,000.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Hawkin 10 years ago
Actually, I believe it's closer to 1 in 70,000. These are just averages. In some states the odds are greater. Florida for example which is the lightening capital will probably have greater odds.
Comment icon #20 Posted by TripGun 10 years ago
Good time to check that the grounding rod is up to spec.
Comment icon #21 Posted by Kaikou 10 years ago
Just goes to show, you can't escape nature's wrath!

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