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New Amazon species is found every two days

By T.K. Randall
September 2, 2017 · Comment icon 8 comments

The Amazon is a treasure trove of new species. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 CIAT
Researchers have discovered hundreds of new plant and animal species in the Amazon over the last few years.
Given that it spans a region of more than four million square miles, it is no surprise that the Amazon rainforest, which contains as much as ten percent of the world's total plant and animal species, is offering up new discoveries on a regular basis.

According to the results of a recent two-year review conducted by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), from 2014 to 2015 researchers managed to discover a whopping 381 new species.

Among these were 216 plants, 93 fish, 32 amphibians, 20 mammals, 19 reptiles and one bird.

Sadly though, due to ongoing deforestation in the region, it remains unclear how many of these new species are in danger of disappearing before scientists have even had a chance to study them.

Source: National Geographic | Comments (8)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Trenix 7 years ago
Instead of exploring planets which most likely have NOTHING valuable on them, we could be exploring new land, finding new plants, and therefore obtaining new cures and remedies. Lets also not forget that animals inspired many inventions.
Comment icon #2 Posted by BeastieRunner 7 years ago
Planetary and space exploration is necessary to understand our own planet. We've learned a lot about our planet that we wouldn't have otherwise without going to space. How about spending less on war? Funding explorations into the deep ocean, the Amazon, and other remote places? One type of exploration doesn't need to go away to make room for another. We could just as humans, on a tiny blue speck, decide that learning is more important for once.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Talion78 7 years ago
The sad part is we are probably only discovering these new species as we cutting so much forest down they are being squeezed into a smaller and smaller area.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Mr.United_Nations 7 years ago
Actually we know are starting to see that a number if planets and moons, especially moons are not completely dead. Also alot of technology used in studying endangered  creatures and plants  comes from technology and from the ISS.   I want to know where is your contribution to save animals? Instead of doing nothing and spout nonsense behind a keyboard all day.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Boozemonkey 7 years ago
They should create a national reserve, free from farming, logging or mining. oh wait a minute...
Comment icon #6 Posted by Nzo 7 years ago
I wonder how many species are destroyed or brought to extinction daily... we may never know.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Trenix 7 years ago
  There will always be wars, highly suggest you get used to it. It's the reality and is completely natural. The purpose of the government is to ensure safety to the people. I sorry don't believe in anarchy or some sort of utopia. Also we put more money into space exploration than discovering our own planet which we KNOW has life on it that may teach us new things. Going into lifeless planets may teach us a little, but it's far more expensive, and less important.   Can you give me solid proof of alien life? Of course not, because you're the one "spouting" complete nonsense. Also science in ge... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by khol 7 years ago
20 mammals?  19 reptiles? ...  wow that impressive. Sensitive areas like this shouldn't be allowed to be controlled by one goverment or encoached upon for economic reasons like mining . Only studied and documented. When does the destruction end and the learning begin?The fate of these rare species lies in the hands of one governing body when in fact it should be a global responsibility to protect

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