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Mind control documents released by accident

By T.K. Randall
April 22, 2018 · Comment icon 34 comments

What was the US government doing with these documents ? Image Credit: sxc.hu
A file recently released by the US government contains information about 'psycho-electric weapons'.
The peculiar blunder occurred when journalist Curtis Waltman wrote to the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) concerning a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for material about Antifa.

When he finally received the documents he was surprised to find that a mysterious archive file entitled 'EM effects on human body.zip' had been sent to him as well.

Inside were a series of diagrams pertaining to some form of mind control technology that could force certain sensations, thoughts, dreams and behaviors on someone using 'psychotropic weapons'.
Some of the images had been featured in a Nexus Magazine article about a lawsuit that an individual named John St. Clair Akewi had filed against the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1992.

Akewi had claimed that the agency was able to "assassinate US citizens covertly" and was "running covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health."

Waltman maintains that he has no idea how these documents, which don't appear to be official, had ended up with the information he requested or why the government had been storing them.

So far the WSFC has declined to comment on the matter.

Source: Popular Mechanics | Comments (34)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #25 Posted by XenoFish 6 years ago
In reality, we call it advertising and propaganda. You don't need to control peoples minds, only what they think. https://sophia.stkate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1032&context=shas_honors
Comment icon #26 Posted by Phaeton80 6 years ago
What youre saying is these 'psycho electric weapons' were used to sell big macs. Got it!
Comment icon #27 Posted by XenoFish 6 years ago
Yeah, a lot of people watch tv. 
Comment icon #28 Posted by Relam 6 years ago
It is very subtile work
Comment icon #29 Posted by Chaldon 6 years ago
I agree, there are so much completely unhealthy fearmongering in our era so it's no wonder people are more prone to cancer, not to mention common flu. Yet the WHO has gotten EMF back into the list of "potentially carcinogenous" agents in 2011, so the effect actually exists and I suspect its severity may be downplayed under the pressure from the mobile service providers, and may be even electric companies. Too much money is involved, and any place where there's too much money, there are lies, ads and info wars.
Comment icon #30 Posted by LostSouls7 6 years ago
Jedi Mind Tricks don't work on me!! ONLY MONEY
Comment icon #31 Posted by LostSouls7 6 years ago
Big Macs are good though. But it was the catchy music and toys that first attracted me to McDoanlds. Now I just like the BIg Macs because of the sauce. Even though I can not make the sauce at home.
Comment icon #32 Posted by BuddingPsychic1111 6 years ago
I think mind control is real.  While I haven't been "targeted" myself or subjected to mind control personally, I've seen some YouTube videos by people experiencing electronic harassment. Many of them really don't seem crazy to me, they seem like sane, rational people who have been subjected to some horrible stuff, and they believe strongly that the government is using mind control signals on them.  I was a skeptic, but after reading about it, I think they're telling the truth.     There's a guy on another forum, who I've talked to for a while, and he started becoming subjected to electron... [More]
Comment icon #33 Posted by Rlyeh 6 years ago
They don't seem crazy except for the whole irrational belief that the government is using mind control on them. I've seen a number of people make similar claims, when you look at their reasons it's a convoluted mess of mostly assumptions and very little evidence. The same guy who claims his father in law got cancer because the FBI attacked his internet? Misread that, I thought you said this forum.
Comment icon #34 Posted by AlphaGeek 6 years ago
I used mind control to make each and everyone of you respond. Your welcome.

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