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Modern Mysteries

Yet another US employee in Cuba has fallen ill

By T.K. Randall
June 29, 2018 · Comment icon 9 comments

Could some form of acoustic weapon be to blame ? Image Credit: Javier Zubiri /
To date, more than two dozen embassy personnel have been affected and nobody has been able to explain why.
The phenomenon, which has left victims suffering from a range of symptoms including hearing loss, fatigue, nausea, balance problems and cognitive issues, remains just as mysterious now as it did when the first few cases were reported in the media back in August of last year.

The individual affected in this latest instance has been "medically confirmed to have experienced health effects", according to State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert.

This makes 26 victims in total, as well as another who fell ill in China.
Since the problems began, there has much focus, especially in the media, on the possibility that the embassy employees have been targeted by some form of directed acoustic weapon system.

As things stand however, this explanation has neither been confirmed nor conclusively denied.

"We strongly remind the Cuban government of its responsibility under the Vienna Convention to protect our diplomats," Nauert said on Thursday.

The search for answers continues.

Source: ABC News | Comments (9)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Vlad the Mighty 6 years ago
Now, how long has there been a US Diplomatic Presence in Cuba? Since 2015, after former president Barry Obama reinstated diplomatic links, yes? So why would the Cubans (or the Chinese) play such silly games with some sort of sonic weapon, which if it was true could only cause antagonism? It seems silly and pointless. 
Comment icon #2 Posted by John Allanson 6 years ago
Sure they're not all sharing the J?
Comment icon #3 Posted by ChaosRose 6 years ago
All kinds of crazy going on in the world. 
Comment icon #4 Posted by FlyingAngel 6 years ago
Just put a device in the room and check? Radio waves, poisonous chemical. Even too much Wifi make me sick too
Comment icon #5 Posted by pallidin 6 years ago
Is the "source" that elusive?
Comment icon #6 Posted by pallidin 6 years ago
Comment icon #7 Posted by Jon the frog 6 years ago
They need to look deeper at the medication they give to their staff in tropical climate... some medication can give troublesome symptom, malaria medication on of the most. Malarone nearly destroyed my liver in Ecuador while working on a tree propagation project. You can have some firework if you mix them... remember the Gulf War syndrome.
Comment icon #8 Posted by Black Red Devil 6 years ago
It's the Che Guevara curse.
Comment icon #9 Posted by John Allanson 6 years ago
Travellers rule no. 1 Don't drink the water!

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