Sadly, the object in the video is not 'out of this world'. Image Credit: YouTube / Jason Swing
A cigar-shaped object filmed over North Carolina recently has turned out to be something rather mundane.
Footage of the silver object, which was observed hovering for an extended period of time near Lake Norman this week, went viral after it was uploaded on to social media by witness Jason Swing.
"It was like nothing that I'd ever seen before," he said. "That's why I thought it was not of this world."
The story ended up being featured on several local news channels.
Sadly though, it later transpired that the unusual-looking object was actually nothing more than a Goodyear blimp that had been covering a nearby NASCAR racing event.
"We don't want to get in the way of a good story, but that's definitely us," the company wrote.
At least this is one UFO sighting that really does have a definitive explanation.
Several years ago, my grandma woke me up talking about a UFO. She was adamant it was a flying saucer. I looked and clearly saw the Goodyear logo on the side. I guess it could be a common thing for this to be mistaken for a UFO, especially now that they're much less common. On the other hand.maybe the people making these blimps ARE aliens... just a thought.
@Glacknor, hiding in plain sight behind giant and highly visible corporate advertising? That’s as good a theory as anyone has put forth regarding ET visitation on Earth.
I live in Charlotte and the news didn't even give it a second thought. Was the gentleman coming back of JR's Smoke-atorium in Stateville?? A place where you can smoke, drink and shoot pool most of the day.
When you see a blimp/air ship it is a bizarre event, at least for me, because they are not a normal thing to see in the sky and they behave "oddly" to what we are use to seeing. I live within a couple of miles of a Naval Air Station and F-18's fly over my house at a couple thousand feet (a lot lower sometimes) many times a day but when I saw a blimp on the horizon a few months ago it was a "WTF is that?" moment. Just for a second but I could then imagine how a true believer would react and the conclusions they would draw.
If it is a rare or non existent event in one's life, I can see how it could be mistaken from a distance. However, living off the Detroit River, I see them all the time. I love watching them
Actually once got to fly one (exaggeration). I was invited to the motor press guild yearly event where they exhibit all the cars reviewed during the year some years ago at the Willow Springs racing track just outside of Lancaster, Ca, a two day event over a weekend. Got to ride some pretty nice cars. out of Mohave airport they had a blimp for the event and when we took the the tour there were only three of us, including the pilot so we were allowed at the controls as well. cheers, badeskov
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