The UFO Phenomenon
NASA 'flying saucer' image is not what it seems
T.K. RandallNovember 5, 2018 ·
Has NASA really posted up a picture of a crashed UFO ? Image Credit: NASA / USAF 388th Range Sqd
One of the space agency's recent 'picture of the day' posts reads 'flying saucer crash lands in Utah Desert'.
The posting, which has no doubt prompted more than a few double takes, shows a photograph of a metallic object crashed in the desert with two helicopters sitting in the background.
"A flying saucer from outer space crash-landed in the Utah desert after being tracked by radar and chased by helicopters," NASA wrote in the caption underneath the picture.
Predictably, however, neither the photograph nor the caption are quite what they seem.
The truth, it turns out, is that the image shows the sample return capsule from the Genesis mission which was launched in 2001 to study the Sun.
Part of the mission had involved collecting solar wind particles and returning them to Earth for study.
"No space aliens were involved," NASA explained. "The saucer, pictured here, was the Genesis sample return capsule, part of a human-made robot Genesis spaceship launched in 2001."
"The unexpectedly hard landing at over 300 kilometers per hour occurred because the parachutes did not open as planned."
The full image can be viewed -
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