Flat Earth conspiracy is continuing to spread
T.K. RandallNovember 20, 2019 ·
No, the Earth is not flat... seriously.... it really isn't. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 NikoLang
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, more and more people now believe that the Earth is flat.
What was once little more than a tongue-in-cheek thought exercise has now become something of a movement unto its own - a belief that is gaining in popularity despite flying in the face of centuries of established science, indisputable physical evidence and more than an iota of common sense.
The third annual Flat Earth International Conference, which was recently held in Dallas, Texas, was attended by more than 600 people whose unshakable belief that science is wrong, spaceflight is fake and that the Earth is a flat disc has brought them together from all over the world.
"We've all been communicating online (but) this brings us together so we can shake hands and give each other hugs," said attendee David Weiss. "We can collaborate, we can make new friends. Because guess what, our old friends... we lost a lot of friends."
The fact that the Earth is round (an oblate spheroid) is as indisputable as the nose on your face - so why do so many people believe otherwise ?
"People, in essence, are just trying to understand the world," said conspiracy theory psychologist Daniel Jolley. "They may have distrust towards powerful people or groups, which could be the government or NASA, and when they look towards evidence that makes sense to them."
"This world view (is) endorsed. It's difficult to break out of that mindset."
Perhaps at the end of the day, the Flat Earth movement is as much about people finding a connection with other like-minded individuals than it is about actually proving that the Earth is flat.
As things stand, it seems unlikely that such beliefs are going to die out anytime soon.
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