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World of the Bizarre

World's shortest man has passed away aged 27

By T.K. Randall
January 18, 2020 · Comment icon 1 comment

Khagendra back in 2010. Image Credit: YouTube / Guinness World Records
Khagendra Thapa Magar had been recognized as the shortest man in the world who was able to walk.
Born in 1992 in the Baglung district of Nepal, Khagendra's tiny size became immediately apparent.

"He was so tiny when he was born that he could fit in the palm of your hand, and it was very hard to bathe him because he was so small," said his father.

He was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011 after being measured by Records Manager Marco Frigatti during an appearance on the Italian show Lo Show dei Record.
There are actually two categories for world's shortest man - one for individuals capable of walking and one for those whose condition renders them unable to walk.

The current record holder for immobile shortest man is Junrey Balawing who is 59.93 cm tall.

Khagendra, by contrast, measured 67.08 cm tall but had been able to walk around.

He sadly passed away on January 16th after suffering from heart problems and pneumonia.

Source: Guinness World Records | Comments (1)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Jon the frog 5 years ago
Crossing fingers that he got a bit of real life and not just being exploited as a fair-ground attraction. 

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