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Archaeology & History

Museum's 'Dead Sea Scrolls' are all forgeries

By T.K. Randall
March 14, 2020 · Comment icon 36 comments

A genuine Dead Sea Scroll. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP (Glasg)
16 Dead Sea Scroll fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington have been exposed as fakes.
Considered to be some of the most significant ancient texts ever discovered, the Dead Sea Scrolls are comprised of several hundred documents dating back more than 2,000 years. They were found inside eleven caves in the eastern Judaean Desert between 1946 and 1956.

While fragments of the scrolls have been on display in museums around the world for years, this week it was revealed that 16 fragments on display at the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. are actually little more than forgeries.

They had been purchased back in 2002 at a time when a number of counterfeit scrolls had appeared on the market however it wasn't until 2016 that experts had started to question their authenticity.
After Art Fraud Insights determined that five of them were forgeries, the museum conducted a detailed investigation into the remaining 11 using comprehensive imaging and analysis techniques.

"After an exhaustive review of all the imaging and scientific analysis results, it is evident that none of the textual fragments in Museum of the Bible's Dead Sea Scroll collection are authentic," Art Fraud Insights director and founder Colette Loll said in a statement.

"Moreover, each exhibits characteristics that suggest they are deliberate forgeries created in the twentieth century with the intent to mimic authentic Dead Sea Scroll fragments."

Plans to remove the counterfeit fragments from display are now underway.

Source: USA Today | Comments (36)

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Comment icon #27 Posted by DieChecker 5 years ago
The people buying these fragments are idiots. They're obviously not buying these tiny fragments for study/research. They're buying them either to show off, or out of false piety. What could owning one do for anyone? God isnt going to care you spent a ton of money to buy a bit if old leather. IMHO holy relics, and such, are almost universally fake. And anyone who thinks they're more holy for having one is an idiot. They need to read the Bible about the Rich Man.
Comment icon #28 Posted by bruce fiction 5 years ago
I don't understand why the media is not talking about it it's like they want to keep this hussd up so it won't lead to people finding out that the King James Bible is fake to as well I don't know about any one else but something fishy is going on here people really need to use good discernment and realizes when we are being lied to by the church and when I say church I mean the Catholic Church that Pope Francis is a head up I believe that they added stuff like Jesus and tribulations into the Bible to get us living in a fear and guilt control matrix
Comment icon #29 Posted by jaylemurph 5 years ago
The media isn’t going to run with a “exhibitionist, pietic rubes duped” story because then all religion would be news.  Just look at the results here, too: you’ve spun out “rubes duped” into some contorted manner of conspiracy theory.  —Jaylemurph 
Comment icon #30 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
Any real Biblical scholar, classical historian and archaeologist worth his salt knows the Bible is 90 percent fiction. Hell! Any Rabbi will tell you 90 percent of the Old Testament is fiction. As for the King James Bible, no scholar worth his salt would use that piece of trash..... Well it had to be correspondence, You don't want a Northern Borderer who's half Indian stomping around London. It would cause a panic.
Comment icon #31 Posted by pallidin 5 years ago
And, your authenticated sources are????....  
Comment icon #32 Posted by Piney 5 years ago
Josephus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_ben_Ananias
Comment icon #33 Posted by hetrodoxly 5 years ago
Tacitus writes of his crucifixion he also blames Christians for burning Rome, Mathew, Mark, Luke and John were written in the first century.
Comment icon #34 Posted by DieChecker 5 years ago
I thought it was Nero, in a Hitler-esque epiphany, who blamed the Christians and sent them to the arena in large numbers.  That's the official story as far as I know. I'll check out what Tacitus wrote.  EDIT: Tacitus apparently was trying to remain impartial, and doesnt actuslly say it was the Christians, but that some confessed, and that they were heretical trash anyway. 
Comment icon #35 Posted by RoofGardener 5 years ago
Hmmm.... they where 12th Century copies ? I'd have thought that was still well worth displaying in a museum ? 
Comment icon #36 Posted by hetrodoxly 5 years ago
I should have worded that a bit better, Tacitus 'wrote' about Christians burning Rome, it's been a time since i read it.

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