Ghosts & Hauntings
Family sleeps on balcony to avoid angry ghost
T.K. RandallJuly 22, 2021 ·
Would you sleep outside to get away from a ghost ? Image Credit:
A French couple and their children have found a rather unique way of dealing with a haunting in their apartment.
When the couple - Patricia and David - moved into their new apartment in Semcoda, France last year - they were initially very pleased with their new accommodation.
Before long, however, the building - which was originally a hangar before being converted into apartments - started to take on a more sinister atmosphere thanks to a spate of paranormal occurrences that left the couple struggling to find peace of mind.
"It started with black shadows," they told
Le Progres. "Then it got louder: the light would randomly go out, the TV turns on by itself, the phone freezes for no reason, the dishes make strange noises, etc."
When they called in a medium to investigate, they were told that the apartment was haunted by the hostile spirit of a 19th-Century woman who was trapped there and wanted them to leave.
Terrified of the aggressive spook and unable to simply move to another apartment, the couple took matters into their own hands and decided to sleep outside on the balcony in a tent.
They have since maintained this unusual sleeping arrangement for over a month.
Whether they will ever be comfortable venturing back inside however remains to be seen.
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Ghost, Haunting
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