Archaeology & History
4,800ft 'miracle' tunnel found in Egypt could lead to Cleopatra's tomb
T.K. RandallNovember 8, 2022 ·
Parts of the tunnel were submerged in water. Image Credit: Facebook / Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Archaeologists have unearthed one of the most important discoveries of recent years - a huge tunnel beneath a temple in Egypt.
Situated 43ft beneath the Taposiris Magna Temple in Egypt's Alexandria region, the enormous tunnel is 6ft high, stretches for 4,800ft and has been described by experts as a "geometric miracle".
Most interesting of all, however, is the possibility that this tunnel might lead to the final resting place of Queen Cleopatra which, if true, would be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.
Archaeologists had long suspected that she might be buried beneath the temple.
"Cleopatra negotiated with Octavian to allow her to bury Mark Antony in Egypt," archaeologist Kathleen Martinez told
National Geographic.
"She wanted to be buried with him because she wanted to reenact the legend of Isis and Osiris. The true meaning of the cult of Osiris is that it grants immortality."
"After their deaths, the gods would allow Cleopatra to live with Antony in another form of existence, so they would have eternal life together."
The tunnel has already yielded a number of smaller artefacts such as pottery found beneath mud sediment and coins bearing the face of Cleopatra herself.
If her tomb really is hidden somewhere within this subterranean passage, it might not be long before it is found.
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Egypt, Cleopatra
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