What lies further inside ? Image Credit: Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Archaeologists have released footage from inside the corridor which is situated above the pyramid's main entrance.
The hidden passage, which was first discovered back in 2016 using a technique known as muography, had remained something of an enigma until recently when reserchers fed a tiny endoscopic camera through a small gap in the stonework to find out what was inside.
The footage it captured shows a space within the pyramid that likely hasn't been seen by humans eyes for thousands of years - a corridor 9 meters long and 2.1 meters wide with a vaulted ceiling.
The exact purpose of this corridor remains unclear - some archaeologists believe that it helped to redistribute the structure's weight while others believe it could lead to additional hidden spaces.
"We're going to continue our scanning so we will see what we can do... to figure out what we can find out beneath it, or just by the end of this corridor," said Mostafa Waziri of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
There have been many claims of hidden rooms and corridors in Egypt's most famous monuments and tombs over the years and it is nice to see one of them conclusively confirmed in this way.
It will be interesting to see what else, if anything, lies further along the passageway.
Whether a statue, any statue that was a complete 3D representation of a person, as ka statues were, and not just a frontal and side representation like the statues of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel, and was either stood on a plinth, in a niche or against a wall, I cannot think of a single reason to need to fix the head to whatever was behind it… Can you show any evidence for any other 3D statue in all of Egypt where the head had to be seperately secured to whatever was behind it. SC: Oh FGS!! No one is saying the actual head was fixed to the wall! The statue was set upon a limestone plinth (p... [More]
I would have replied in detail, particularly when you quote me from another thread out of context. But because of what I have quoted above, no chance as I have zero interest in this bs from anybody.
The reader will note that once again rather than acknowledging and taking responsibility for his dishonest comments, clearly documented on this forum, Scott completely ignores it instead just slings ad hominem against the person reporting on it. We always hope some day you will be your better self better but you never are. This is not an opinion that would be limited to the dreaded go to boogeyman "mainstream Egyptology", but any one who examines them. I am sure you know this full well, but still couch in this tired trope anyways. What has "dawned on me", again well documented in our dis... [More]
"clearly documented" my big hairy erse, Lee. You see, Lee - this is precisely why I ignore the vast majority of your posts here. You just cannot help yourself, can you? There's nothing, absolutely nothing, "dishonest" in my hypothesis which I back up with evidence. You might disagree with what I regard as evidence to back up my hypohesis but that's just YOUR opinion, Lee and it does not make my interpretation of said evidence "dishonest" and never will. I evidently take a different view from the vast majority who post on this forum. That doesn't make what I say "dishonest". So just put a s... [More]
When the contents of the Big Void are known and (if) it falsifies my hypothesis, then, and only then, can you call what I'm saying "BS". But not a moment before then. Now - off you trot. SC
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