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Scientists publish study into people who say others are allergic to them

By T.K. Randall
July 31, 2023 · Comment icon 8 comments

The cause of this condition still remains a mystery. Image Credit: Pixabay / Lukas_Rychvalsky
Researchers have found that there is something to the stories of people who claim that others get ill when they are around.
For years, some people have insisted that their skin emits gases that trigger an allergic reaction in others, prompting them to withdraw from society and live their lives in solitude.

The exact nature of this phenomenon has long remained something of a mystery, with some scientists arguing that it is more of a psychological condition than anything tangible.

Now, though, researchers in Japan have published a new study in which they conclude that this mysterious condition is actually the real deal, even though they have yet to figure out how it works.

The scientists recruited 20 people with the condition and compared them to 24 healthy volunteers.
The research found that those who believed others were allergic to them emitted much higher amounts of various compounds from their skin - including 50 times more acetone, 40 times more toluene and 5 times more mercaptans - than those in the control group.

Toluene in particular is known to act as an irritant.

"Exposure... in indoor air, even at parts per billion levels, is thought to trigger symptoms such as irritation in the skin, eyes, nose, and throat and psychoneurotic symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, and headache," the researchers wrote.

While the research ultimately failed to explain the phenomenon, it did help to validate the concerns and experiences of those suffering from the condition.

"Greater emissions of gases were observed in the people allergic to me groups with potential offensive odors and/or adverse health effects, and there are people who are very vulnerable to low doses of chemicals in the environment," the team wrote.

Source: Big Think | Comments (8)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Eldorado 2 years ago
  I feel nauseous when politicians and their supporters are canvassing as elections are due.  I reckon I'm allergic to their BS.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Grim Reaper 6 2 years ago
I view them as Game Show hosts mixed with Car salesmen, and many of them also make me nauseous!
Comment icon #3 Posted by Chaldon 2 years ago
Absolutely. Aggressive marketing, unstoppable politicians making crazy laws, corporate-owned social sites selling user data and closed-sourced apps loved by the billions, scam calls... Too many irritants for a person allergic to chaos and stupidity.
Comment icon #4 Posted by josellama2000 2 years ago
when running out of paper, please don publish INTO [eople who say others are allergic to them
Comment icon #5 Posted by Jon the frog 2 years ago
If you fart a lot people tend to go away...
Comment icon #6 Posted by OverSword 2 years ago
I know a couple of people who wear out the letters on their keyboards very quickly. I see that this research indicates some subjects emit high levels of acetone. 
Comment icon #7 Posted by Chaldon 2 years ago
It's no joke. I read about high levels of acetone in bodies of many fasting monks as a possible explanation for the "odor of sanctity". My mother complained about the smell of acetone from her urine shortly before she died of heart fibrillation, she also ate and drank quite a little in the last years but had no kidney problems. Possibly there is some connection between diet and acetone balance.
Comment icon #8 Posted by XenoFish 2 years ago

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