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Scientists are building a device that can induce lucid dreams on demand

By T.K. Randall
November 12, 2023 · Comment icon 7 comments

Have you ever been able to control your own dreams ? Image Credit: Pixabay / LeandroDeCarvalho
A new technology startup hopes to offer a wearable consumer device that can enable anyone to have lucid dreams.
If you've ever become 'aware' during a dream and found that you could control what was happening, then you've had what is known as a lucid dream. Some people are able to have lucid dreams quite often while, for others, it might only happen once in a lifetime.

Those who do experience them often report a number of psychological benefits ranging from an improved mood to a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and PTSD.

This is why Eric Wollberg and Wesley Louis Berry III decided to found Prophetic , a new company which aims to produce a wearable device (known as Halo) that uses ultrasound and machine learning models to "detect when dreamers are in REM to induce and stabilize lucid dreams."

"It's an extraordinary thing to become aware in your own mind and in your own dreams; it's a surreal and spiritual-esque experience," Wollberg told Motherboard in a recent interview.
"Recreationally, it's the ultimate VR experience. You can fly, you can make a building rise out of the ground, you can talk to dream characters, and you can explore."

Whether or not the team can actually build a working device remains to be seen. As things stand, the first commercially available version of Halo is slated for a tentative release in 2025.

"The list of benefits of lucid dreaming is long," said Berry.

"There's everything from helping with PTSD, reducing anxiety, and improving mood, confidence, motor skills, and creativity. The benefits are really outstanding."

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Bed of chaos 1 year ago
It's possible the device works. Though I'm skeptical and want proof. There's been other lucid devices & nothing works 100%. It can "stabilize" lucid dreams? That's a bold statement, since so many things can go wrong. A prolonged lucid dream isn't easy to pull off. Anyway, this definitely peaks my interest.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Cho Jinn 1 year ago
A generous amount of Old Bay seasoning on canned tuna fish before bed usually works for me.
Comment icon #3 Posted by LordRayden 1 year ago
As someone who can induce lucid dream whenever he wants (discovered it about 20 years ago and not using for 20 years) I can tell that this brings 2 problems with it. I was unable to find something about it in any article I read about the device. 1. As we all know, dreams are a byproduct of our brains sorting and processing everything that happened during the day, short them memory becomes long term memory and so on. As I discovered that I can induce lucid dreams whenever I want, I did it for a week every night. After that week, I noticed that my brain was slow. I slept enough, but my brain (an... [More]
Comment icon #4 Posted by Nosy.Matters 1 year ago
A guru's tech tab.
Comment icon #5 Posted by Rolci 1 year ago
The only problem with your problems is that they are only your problems, no one else's. It is interesting to note that even before you made this comment all of this had cross my mind back then, but it is even more interesting to note that there are  dozens of forums dedicated to LDing (,, etc.), with about a HUNDRED THOUSAND members, many of whom regularly share their opinions, experiences, stories (and dreams of course) which I have been following for well over a decade and I have never come across anyone (to my surprise) who would've had the experiences you had. I u... [More]
Comment icon #6 Posted by Bed of chaos 1 year ago
I found them on X. They (Prophetic) told one user "the device will likely come in around 1500-2000$". Though price subject to change. I still don't know what to make of this. Hopefully it's real.
Comment icon #7 Posted by George Ford 1 year ago
I used to switch on and off every light switch I passed in my home for awhile a few years back, the theory is that if it becomes a habit you copy it in dreams, except in dreams light switches tend not to work, like you switch it off and the light remains on or there is a delay, same with switching them on. Once you notice the delay you should then realise you are in dream. It worked a couple of times but I stopped doing it. Instead I found eating eggs about an hour before you go to bed gives very vibrant memorable dreams, duck eggs work better than chicken eggs. It's cheap and easy enough for ... [More]

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