What is this thing ? Image Credit: YouTube / HardCore Disasters
As it turns out, this peculiar aerial phenomenon actually has a conventional explanation.
Captured on camera last week from a farm in Argentina's Tucuman province, this unnatural looking black ring, which looks almost like a giant smoke ring, is certainly not something you see every day.
The footage quickly attracted attention on social media where users were left scratching their heads.
Some suggested that the ring was smoke from some sort of fire, while others put forward the notion that the video showed evidence of an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
In truth, however, there is a conventional explanation for this particular phenomenon.
The ring, as it turns out, is in fact a swarm of mosquitoes.
If you look closely at the video (below), you can see the insects milling around in large clouds beyond the actual ring formation.
Similar mosquito swarms have prompted UFO reports in other parts of the world over the years.
It is believed that the insects fly in such formations as part of their mating rituals.
Swarm of mosquitoes??? WTH? Black flies and horse flies sometimes swarm in the Arctic but that size is 100% impossible even for them. That's just a ring of smoke, your can see some of it near the ground. It came either from a long-unused chimney, like Amorlind said, or after firing a ceremonial cannon.
Well, whatever it is, what I see (or think I see) is an opaque, parachute-shaped membrane above the ring, and what looks like tentacles the same color as the membrane, hanging down under the ring. In other words, like a giant jellyfish.
If you ever started an old diesel truck or bulldozer, you would see those black smoke rings blown out of the exhaust before the engine catches and turns over on its own. Of course if you were tasking the picture, you would know exactly what it was.
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