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Government files detail investigation of paranormal activity in Utah

By T.K. Randall
March 11, 2024 · Comment icon 133 comments

How long has AARO been investigating alleged hauntings ? Image Credit: Pixabay / KELLEPICS
It seems that the US government's UFO office has been involved in investigating more than just UFOs.
According to a news report this week, recently declassified documents from the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) detail an investigation of paranormal activity at a location in Utah.

The case, which was seemingly of sufficient interest to warrant AARO's attention, centered on a property that was owned by the head of a private sector organization.

The activity allegedly included sightings of shadow figures and unspecified "creatures" as well as experiences with what were described as "human consciousness anomalies".
The investigators even considered hiring psychics to help them figure out what was going on.

As tends to be typical with official government investigations into unexplained phenomena, the report concluded by noting that the investigators had failed to find anything concrete.

It did, however, suggest that AARO had investigated many other similar cases and that at least some of those were still classed as unexplained.

You can watch a news report detailing this story on YouTube - here.

Source: Fox 13 Now | Comments (133)

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Comment icon #124 Posted by ChrLzs 9 months ago
Please either point at a couple of examples (after all, you are saying that it happens on most threads...)  If you can't/won't do that, then over the next few weeks, how about pointing it out when it happens?   If you do neither of those things, I think you have just proved something ..  by it's absence...how positively unscientific..
Comment icon #125 Posted by Antigonos 9 months ago
Victimhood… one of the classic fallbacks for people who have no argument.
Comment icon #126 Posted by preacherman76 9 months ago
I think you already know damn well what I’m talking about. 
Comment icon #127 Posted by ChrLzs 9 months ago
No, I dam well don't.  I don't spend my life here.  I don't take thousands of notes, or waste my memory on remembering specific tales of woe and who did what to whom..  And I don't take it too seriously, nor get my knickers all twisted up when people disagree, or even when they get pulled up on ridiculous tales. YOU, however just made a very serious complaint about behavior on this forum AND you said people were laughed at and ridiculed and that it happened "in damn near every thread".  I'm calling you out on that, so post a link to "what you're talking about".  I want to see what thread ... [More]
Comment icon #128 Posted by preacherman76 9 months ago
Yeah I’m not going to go back and read through threads to find examples for you. I have way better things to do.    Heinous crimes?? I never said all that. I used to report them all the time. Aside from removing posts, or closing threads, nothing was ever done about it.    The audience has already judged. The people most guilty are the one who say it doesn’t happen. The people who witness it, and even have it happen to them say it does. Nothing is gonna change that. 
Comment icon #129 Posted by ChrLzs 9 months ago
I am shocked...  I never would have thought pm would back down from citing something.    Just a couple of questions, pm.  When us debunkers point something out but don't explain or support their claims with evidence, do you get annoyed? When us debunkers make a claim, and then refuse to offer any evidence, do you get annoyed? When they do that, if they say they have better things to do, do you believe them get annoyed? By the way, when was the last time you saw a debunker like me, do any of those things? If I did any of those things, I'd have to accept that any name calling would be fully... [More]
Comment icon #130 Posted by the13bats 9 months ago
Ettervthings to do like posting in threads replies that have nothing to do with the threads topic but rather just to scold a member for making a post that you didn't like and or agree with because I've seen you do that a lot. "All the time" reporting threads you didn't like, sounds like you are easily upset from others opinions and points of view on an open public discussion forum. Removing posts and closing threads is doing something about it,  so also sounds like you are hard to please.   Well, that's true, Ive experienced how believers will get upset over nothing more than being asked for... [More]
Comment icon #131 Posted by openozy 9 months ago
Yes you to tend to ignore things you can't fathom, it's called head in sand.    I can't think of anything paranormal any of you have debunked so don't kid yourself.?
Comment icon #132 Posted by openozy 9 months ago
He doesn't know anything much except photography and being a snob. Hey Preacherman, are you a working bulldog man or did you just like the pic? That Preacherman bulldog is in a lot of great working lines. Sorry, off topic.
Comment icon #133 Posted by Saru 9 months ago
This thread seems to have degenerated into a mess of bickering and arguing. What I will say is obviously, if you feel someone is acting inappropriately, use the 'report' button or contact me via PM, but don't complain on the forum about it - whatever we do or don't do we're not going to please everyone and we can't be everywhere all of the time, so a little courtesy and patience is always appreciated. Thread closed for moderator review.

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