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Science & Technology

Dr Who's sonic screwdriver - a reality ?

12-6-2010 | 18

Engineers are developing a device able to move and manipulate objects using ultrasonic sound waves.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Enfield Poltergeist case re-examined

9-5-2010 | 19

New research in to paranormal sounds recorded during the Enfield Poltergeist case have found the audio "non-human".

Ghosts & Hauntings

Man looking for 'ghost train' killed by real one

8-31-2010 | 33

A man who had been looking to hear the paranormal sounds of a historical train crash was hit by a real train and died.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking ?

7-3-2010 | 18

A new study in to sounds attributed to poltergeist activity has revealed startling differences to conventional sounds.

Science & Technology

Pentagon builds shape-shifting robot

7-1-2010 | 19

In something that sounds like a scene from Transformers scientists have developed a shape-shifting robot.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Have scientists found proof of ghosts ?

6-19-2010 | 24

New research in to the acoustics of paranormal sounds may prove that they are neither natural nor human in origin.

Science & Technology

Aircraft sets hypersonic record at Mach 6

5-28-2010 | 14

The X-51A Waverider has set a new hypersonic flight time record at six times the speed of sound.

Science & Technology

Silent electric cars to get 'Star Wars' sounds

5-6-2010 | 15

Silent electric cars may be getting sounds like those in Star Wars in order to help others hear them coming.

Nature & Environment

Its official: beetles don't like heavy metal music

2-11-2010 | 16

In an attempt to stop beetles from destroying trees researchers tried playing heavy metal music and other sounds to disrupt them.

Ghosts & Hauntings

Eerie outpost unnerves US Marines

1-2-2010 | 28

Marines stationed at eerie Observation Point Rock in Afghanistan have reported that the place could be haunted. Locals b...

World of the Bizarre

Don't die here: it's illegal

12-2-2009 | 26

It sounds ridiculous but there are still places in the world in which it is illegal to die. While in the past such laws ...

Ghosts & Hauntings

Scientists create "haunted room" experiment

11-2-2009 | 15

In an effort to test whether or not it's possible to artificially induce paranormal experiences scientists have created ...

Nature & Environment

Whales are polite conversationalists

10-29-2009 | 0

A group of marine biologists have developed a new tool that can detect and identify the sounds made by individual whales...


Police officer sees "aliens" at crop circle

10-22-2009 | 78

In a bizarre case that occured earlier this year a policeman in Wiltshire contacted UFO experts after claiming to have s...

Metaphysics & Psychology

Baby's voice wakes mother from coma

10-10-2009 | 4

A mother who fell in to a coma after contracting food poisoning was brought back to life after hearing the sound of her ...

Science & Technology

Pregnant woman conceives again

9-25-2009 | 6

A pregnant woman who went for a routine ultrasound in June discovered that she was also pregnant with a second baby that...

Archaeology & History

Mayans 'played' pyramids to make music

9-24-2009 | 3

Sounds like raindrops falling into a bucket of water can be heard while climbing the colossal staircase of Mexico's El C...

Nature & Environment

Science can't improve on bat's bizarre nose

8-24-2009 | 6

Scientists have been conducting a new study in an attempt to understand how the noses of horseshoe bats operate in produ...

Modern Mysteries

Source of mystery 'hum' discovered

8-11-2009 | 15

The source of the Earth's mystery hum has been found - the low frequency sound is believed to be the result of the colli...

Science & Technology

Touchable holograms become reality

8-8-2009 | 21

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have succeeded in creating not only a working three dimensional hologram projecto...

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