A mysterious animal is responsible for killing more than 200 chickens and ducks in the village of Pudong.
Popular fairy stories such as 'Beauty and the Beast' could actually be thousands of years old.
A large black creature with yellow eyes was encountered by a woman who was out driving on Tuesday night.
An animal that resembles a large predatory cat has been seen stalking a quiet neighborhood in England.
ESO’s Very Large Telescope has snapped a breathtaking image of a distant 'cometary globule'.
Reports and rumors about a legendary beast prowling the Australian bush have persisted for years.
Evidence suggests that the 'Beast of Bodmin' is not only surviving but thriving in the wilds of Britain.
Scientists have discovered traces of skin pigment in the fossilized remains of prehistoric sea beasts.
New DNA sequencing techniques have helped scientists unlock the secrets of long extinct creatures.
40 years ago a small town in Missouri became the center of attention in the hunt for a mysterious beast.
Dinosaurs are often portrayed as heavy, lumbering beasts - now it seems that this wasn't the case.
A mystery predator has been blamed for the deaths of livestock near the Cambrain Mountains in Wales.
The theory that a large impact from space killed off mammoths and other beasts 13,000 years ago has been discounted.
Massive beasts that would have once roamed the Earth in their droves before becoming extinct may soon be making a comeback.