Ever wondered how someone who doesn't speak English might perceive a conversation in English ?
The woman who found Richard III's remains beneath a car park may have found Henry I's remains... beneath another car park.
Two hunters have been seeking answers after finding unusual footprints in the remote English countryside.
Palaeontologists have identified a new prehistoric sea creature that lived in what is now the English Channel.
Franky Zapata's second attempt to cross the English Channel on a hoverboard has been met with success.
A record-breaking attempt to traverse 34km of open water on the futuristic invention didn't go quite to plan.
The wreck of a WWII plane found in the English Channel could help to explain what happened to a US serviceman.
In 1917, two English schoolgirls claimed to have photographed fairies at the bottom of their garden.
A university professor in Arizona is working on a system that can translate animal noises in to English.
A secretive 'priest hole' in an English Tudor mansion has been tied to the infamous 'Gunpowder Plot'.
Scientists at Princeton University have simulated what an English-speaking macaque would sound like.
A 17th century English translation of the book has turned up more than 400 years after it was written.
A perplexing series of unexplained phenomena hit the English town of Warminster back in the 1960s.
An English archaeologist believes that Queen Nefertiti may lie in a secret room in Tutankhamun's tomb.
The English monarch's remains were discovered beneath a car park after being lost for over 500 years.
Li Yanzhi succeeded in memorizing an entire English-Chinese dictionary containing 220,000 words.
Kath Lockett suffers from an extremely rare condition known as Foreign Accent Syndrome.
Madcap boffin Colin Furze has unleashed the world's largest fart machine across the English Channel.
Is it possible for apes to speak English like in the new 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes' movie ?
The English soprano is set to pay $54 million for a ten day stint aboard the International Space Station.