Jay Alfred
SHC - "lightning discharge" hypothesis
January 20, 2008 |
Image Credit: sxc.hu
Plasma metaphysics' "lightning discharge" hypothesis, proposed in this author's article Is SHC caused by Electrical Discharges? published on March 26, 2007 on this website, has received further support from recent research. In the article, Jay Alfred proposed that spontaneous human combustion is caused by electrical discharges, similar to lightning discharges, within the body. The article states, "A bolt of lightning is an electrical discharge within this system. According to plasma metaphysics, the same phenomenon that occurs in space and on Earth can occur within our subtle bodies... The energies of our subtle (high energy) magma bodies far exceed anything the biomolecular body can withstand. " In December 2007 researchers at the University of Michigan discovered, to their surprise, "electric fields inside cells as strong as those produced in lightning bolts". However, "scientists are not clear as to what causes these strong fields or what they might mean."
The Body's Unexplained Electromagnetic FieldThe researchers, led by chemistry professor Raoul Kopelman, used voltage-sensitive dyes injected into polymer spheres just 30 nanometers in diameter. When illuminated with blue light, the voltage-sensitive dyes within the nano-particles emitted a mixture of red and green light. Since the exact frequency of light emitted is influenced by the strength of the local electric field, this gave the researchers a way to measure the strength of the field. Using these nano-particles, Kopelman found electric fields as strong as 15 million volts per meter in the internal fluid of brain-cancer cells. This is five times stronger than the electric field found in a lightning bolt.
The existence of strong electric fields across cellular membranes is accepted as a basic fact of cell biology. Maintaining gradients of charged molecules and ions allows for many cellular functions, from control over cell volume to the electrical discharges of nerve and muscle cells. However, the fact that cells appear to have powerful internal electric fields has surprised scientists. Kopelman presented his results at the 47th annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in December 2007. "There has been no skepticism as to the measurements," says Kopelman, "but we don't have an interpretation."
These background electric fields in the body provide evidence of a (counter-part) bioplasma body that is coupled with the physical-carbon based body. A bioplasma body generates electromagnetic fields. According to plasma metaphysics, bioplasma cells co-evolved with physical-carbon cells (see the author's article on Plasma Life Forms - Dark Panspermia, 2007). The fact that these electric fields, discovered by Kopelman, cannot be accounted for by scientists using the limited model of an isolated physical-carbon based body shows that the bioplasma body, which has been referred to as the (lower) "physical-etheric" body in the metaphysical literature and which forms the basis for the study of Chinese acupuncture, can be studied and progressively verified only as current technology improves.
However, this is not the first time that mysterious background electric fields have been noticed. Robert Becker, Harold Burr and others have also documented a pattern of voltage gradients over the body that is consistent with Chinese acupuncture points but is difficult to explain based on current scientific theories. The Earth, too, has an unexplained background electromagnetic field.
Earth's Unexplained Electromagnetic FieldBlake Levitt, in his book, Electromagnetic Fields, noted that the natural background voltage increases with altitude. Between the lowest layers of the ionosphere and the Earth's surface, there are about 360,000 volts; from the top of the Empire State Building to the sidewalks at its base, there are approximately 40,000 volts; and between the head of a six-foot man and the sidewalk, approximately 200 volts. At the Earth's surface, the voltage is approximately 100. This sounds alarming, however, hardly any shock potential exists because there is (apparently) no current; it appears to be just background voltage and static DC fields. Scientists know very little about this huge reservoir of natural power - how it functions or what governs it.
It has already been noted in the author's article Acupuncture Meridians and the Terrestrial Spider Web, 2007 that the Earth, too, has a subtle electromagnetic "body" - an electromagnetic field generated by a higher energy plasmasphere; a counter-part Earth which can also be identified with Earth's low density dark matter halo - as described in the author's article Earth's Dark Matter Halo, 2007.
As an interesting incidental point, this vertical electromagnetic (vector) field in the Earth's atmosphere will allow a charged bioplasma body which becomes detached or decoupled from the physical-carbon body (temporarily during sleep or a near-death experience and permanently after the death of the physical-carbon based body) to ascend into the atmosphere by neutralizing or reversing its charge. The charged bioplasma body would experience the local electric field in a particular direction. (As noted in Jay Alfred's Our Invisible Bodies, 2006, bioplasma bodies can levitate and move by manipulating the body's electric charge.) Some may point to the ascension of the resurrected body of Jesus (of Nazareth) through the atmosphere, as reported in the Christian New Testament, or certain near-death experiences as providing anecdotal evidence of this type of phenomenon. Trevor James Constable claims of the existence of invisible plasma "sky creatures" which live and move in the atmosphere and can be photographed with infra-red film.
ConclusionThe research done at the University of Michigan, as cited above, will have significant implications for Chinese acupuncture. According to plasma metaphysics, both our subtle bioplasma bodies and Earth's dark matter halo are composed of a (complex) magnetic plasma of largely high energy (non-standard) particles.
© Copyright Jay Alfred 2008
Main reference: Alfred, Jay, ''Our Invisible Bodies: Scientific Evidence for Subtle Bodies'', Trafford Publishing, 2006, ISBN 1-412-06326-4.
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