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T. Stokes

The cluster effect

February 23, 2007 | Comment icon 0 comments
Image Credit: stockxpert
In sorting through some Parapsychology papers in a New Year spring clean,I thought these may be of interest. The American Institute for Futures forecasting, did a study under David Loye a psychologist at the University of California, where predictions were studied and patterns searched for.He was hoping to duplicate the tests of primary school teacher Richard Auerbach who in 1953 got his school kids to make future predictions, which were then sealed and became uncannily accurate when examined in 1978.Children predicted 3 hour flights across the Atlantic, push button telephones, cameras that developed their own photographs and inflation that would quadruple the price of new cars, democratic governments promoting terrorism, and most surprising was the fact of “group predicting” where the collective zeitgeist powered the group with enhanced predictive abilities. The Cluster effect is known in many categories of science, and was used in predictive studies in 1936 by Douglas Mc’Gregor and Hadley Cantril from universities in the U.S which prophesied pretty well the way W.W.II would run.Not a big hit here because Hitler published this in his Mein Kampf in 1933.

Winston Churchill was so impressed with futures forecasting he developed his Black Team of paranormal experts to use occult methods including astrology in W.W.II. This technique often used in medical prognosis.Cantrils Princetown University group using this plan, obtained an accuracy rating of 64%, McGregor’s Manchester Institute group claimed an astonishing 100%. The American political scientist and futurologist Victor Ferkiss, has studied Projecting trends, a predictive tool as used by economists, food producers, marketers, gamblers and realtors, very popular in Japan. Nostradamus modules; Regular discipline and planning where over time sensitives can give increasingly accurate predictions.Model making, where car manufacturers build future models with artists and writers, some end up way of beam, but some do get to the production stages, popular with the road building and architectural organisations, and good for obtaining visual focus.Collective prophecies, lottery syndicates, cabinet re-shuffles, think-tanks, military planning, population explosions and business projections.Delphi spirit technique, this is perhaps the best known.The U.S A. F in 1950 commissioned the Rand org to predict how many atomic bombs would be needed for Russia to wipe out the U.S.A. After Roosevelt and Churchill had mistakenly acted as appeasers to Communism, before and during W. W. II.Years later when the documents were unclassified, it caused a sensation among experts,and was attacked by skeptics and other nonsense mongers, as all faked.
The method was named after the oracle at Delphi, and shown to use group intuition to amplify selected individual projections, as seen in spiritualist training classes.This same method has become the favourite among such organizations as I.C.I, The Stock exchange, Proctor and Gamble, British Rail, and many other large companies. University studies around the world show different variations on the system show good long term results, but not, how it works !Psychotronics, David Loye is the exception, his studies claim that the brain in its two divisions, left and right, or intuitive and logical, can be trained and enhanced in the traditional manner of psychics, and this is the military method called Psycotronics, used world wide in military academies, that upsets religionists, sceptics and the ignorant.In my own classes at Railway hall, in under a year, predictive skills have almost doubled among volunteers.

Further reading:

The Cleaver Report
Gen Stubblebine experiments.
Black Team
Alexander Cannon and Black Team
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