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Creatures, Myths & Legends

'Bigfoot' filmed in remote Canadian woods

By T.K. Randall
September 30, 2013 · Comment icon 47 comments

Could there be a creature lurking in the woods ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Donar Reiskoffer
A new video has appeared online that claims to show evidence of a hominid creature lurking in the forest.
The footage was recorded by a man referred to only by his first name, Jim, who has been seeking evidence of the creature since 1996. The video was published around a week ago and was filmed in a ravine where he'd been searching an area of woodland with a camera in the hope of catching a glimpse of his target.

The footage begins with Jim creating a loud wood knock and then venturing in to the trees to look for any activity. After a few minutes he comes across a creature partially obscured by the foliage and records it for a while before it moves away. In the video caption he describes the creature as being approximately 7ft tall and weighing 500lbs.

"Upon reflection on the chain of events , I'm certain that this individual both heard me earlier and knew of my presence and possibly my location directly behind it," he wrote. "I've returned to the area several times and did not notice any obvious signs of it's return , however it's return is not ruled out."
The footage has, unsurprisingly, attracted a large amount of skepticism. Critics argue that the creature in the video could simply be a man in a suit and that the whole thing was staged.

Unfortunately, as tends to be the case with cryptozoological videos in general, footage alone is never going to be considered sufficient evidence to prove the existence of an unknown species of hominid and ultimately only a body is ever going to satisfy science.

The video is available to view - here.

Source: YouTube | Comments (47)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #38 Posted by odiesbsc 11 years ago
I keep rewinding to 2:23 and I can't for the life of me see who you're talking about... What guy? There's only trees, I can't see any peson at all in that frame. It's better if you watch in the full screen mode. I still can't seem to stop the video on 2:23 as it's just a split second. The camera slowly pans to the left and when the image of the guy appears, they quickly pan back to the right. If you watch it on full screen and look carefully toward the left about 2/3 or 3/4 the way up you should be able to see the guy. It looks like he is standing, leaning against a tree with some sort of bigf... [More]
Comment icon #39 Posted by odiesbsc 11 years ago
It's better if you watch in the full screen mode. I still can't seem to stop the video on 2:23 as it's just a split second. The camera slowly pans to the left and when the image of the guy appears, they quickly pan back to the right. If you watch it on full screen and look carefully toward the left about 2/3 or 3/4 the way up you should be able to see the guy. It looks like he is standing, leaning against a tree with some sort of bigfoot suit on. Also, he would be to the right of the tree he's leaning on. I hope this helps. Odie I just re-watched the video. My mistake, I managed to stop the vi... [More]
Comment icon #40 Posted by Duchess Gummybuns 11 years ago
I don't have a good joke for this one. This is just another guy (weakly) extracting attention from us.
Comment icon #41 Posted by Domina Lucis 11 years ago
I thought Bigfeets could sense a human from a mile away, thus they never seemed to get captured and always run away from us. What's this 'Foot's problem? Guess he's just too lazy to get up. On a side note, the forest he's in is pretty.
Comment icon #42 Posted by DieChecker 11 years ago
Here's an idea, throw a rock or yell at him so he looks in your direction - BAM, face shot on video for all the world to see. Well, because then you'd see the eye holes in the mask... Duh! It's better if you watch in the full screen mode. I still can't seem to stop the video on 2:23 as it's just a split second. The camera slowly pans to the left and when the image of the guy appears, they quickly pan back to the right. If you watch it on full screen and look carefully toward the left about 2/3 or 3/4 the way up you should be able to see the guy. It looks like he is standing, leaning against a ... [More]
Comment icon #43 Posted by keninsc 11 years ago
I have to agree with DC, there are too many things in this video that just don't look right to me.
Comment icon #44 Posted by Slave2Fate 11 years ago
The only reason someone would copyright a Biff video is so they could make money off of it if any documentary decided to use the footage. That doesn't necessarily imply a fake but it does cast doubt toward motive and authenticity. Always be wary any time Bigfoot and profit are lumped together.
Comment icon #45 Posted by QuiteContrary 11 years ago
Crocs aren't such a big deal. His buddy wears flip flops in another of his several bigfoot videos.
Comment icon #46 Posted by alfonso 11 years ago
never trust a guy who wears crocs
Comment icon #47 Posted by bulveye 11 years ago
Well if we take it at face value then this video 'proves' that something brown and hairy was in the woods. If I saw something large, brown and hairy in the woods I would assume it was a bear unless I have clear evidence to the contrary. There is no evidence in the video to show that this creature is not a bear or a man in a suit etc. So just another useless video to add to the ever increasing pile 'bigfoot' videos.

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