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Man-eating Leopard is 'targeting drunks'

By T.K. Randall
September 14, 2014 · Comment icon 46 comments

Leopards do attack humans on rare occasions. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Karamash
A particularly deadly big cat is thought to have killed 12 people from remote Himalayan villages.
The large feline has been terrorizing villagers for more than two years and all attempts to hunt it down have failed.

Since January 2012 it is believed to have feasted upon a dozen people from the villages of Simar, Badeth and Kotali with the last victim being a 44-year-old man who was killed earlier this year.

The animal seems to be primarily targeting people who are drunk or who are traveling alone during the night.
"Villagers are terrorised by the wild animals and it's almost impossible to venture out after dark," said Kotali villager Madan Paneru. "People carry sticks with them and remain alert all the time."

Wildlife conservationist Belinda Wright doesn't believe that the leopard is targetting drunk people as such but rather that inebriated villagers are perhaps an easier target in general.

"Quite frankly when people are drunk and weave their way back home to the village they are easy prey," she said. "I don't think the leopard is targeting drunk people, just people stumbling along the path at night. I'm sure you won't taste any better because you've consumed liquor."

Source: Telegraph | Comments (46)

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Comment icon #37 Posted by quiXilver 11 years ago
In the mangrove swamps in parts of India where man-eating tigers prowl and frequently kill humans, they have learned that a simple plastic mask that looks like a human face worn on the back of head, will stop most of the tiger attacks, because as you have said, the cats will attack from behind, and this confuses them as to which way the prey is facing. while I like the idea, how do they know it prevents attacks? it's tough to prove a negative.
Comment icon #38 Posted by Sundew 11 years ago
while I like the idea, how do they know it prevents attacks? it's tough to prove a negative. I think it's a matter of numbers: attacks with, and without, using the masks. Seems like the numbers dropped off with use. It in the area of India called the Sundarbands, the largest mangrove forest in the world. Mangroves are trees that grow in and around sea water, so you have in the Sundarbands a huge tidal flooded forest. I think the local are going in for fish, crabs, firewood, etcetera but the area is full of Bengal Tigers and prey items must be rather few and far between, so many have turned to ... [More]
Comment icon #39 Posted by Lilly 11 years ago
I find that being **** faced drunk often dulls the pain of being mauled by large animals. Yeah, but do this with a leopard and you'll do it only once.
Comment icon #40 Posted by regeneratia 11 years ago
But I could really go off on this one, but I won't. Just know I am biting my tongue (or my typing fingers),
Comment icon #41 Posted by DefenceMinisterMishkin 11 years ago
You talkin bout me?
Comment icon #42 Posted by ozman 11 years ago
Maybe the sweaty smell of alcohol draws the cats in? Cata have high senses and they can smell and see better than humans.
Comment icon #43 Posted by Hawkin 11 years ago
I wonder if the leopard gets drunk after it eats the drunk.
Comment icon #44 Posted by EllJay 11 years ago
I wonder if the leopard gets drunk after it eats the drunk. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the leopard is a drunk, and this is the only way he can get hold of alcohol - eating a drunk prey. If I were them I should have bought me an extra bottle of booze with me when I walked home from the bar, so I could offer the leopard a drink. He might not be such a bad pal if you get to know him over a drink, or two.
Comment icon #45 Posted by skeff 11 years ago
well if we wasn't encroaching on every wild habitat on earth, this sort of wouldn't happen. all power to the leopard, may he/she be free and seemingly merry in its hunting..
Comment icon #46 Posted by Lilly 11 years ago
I wonder if the leopard gets drunk after it eats the drunk. Now that's an interesting idea. This could explain why Mr Leopard is a repeat offender (he likes the buzz?).

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