Boyd Bushman's final interview. Image Credit: YouTube / Mark Q Patterson
Boyd Bushman revealed information on UFOs and ET visitation during an interview shortly before his death.
Bushman, who died on August 7th, worked at Lockheed-Martin, Hughes Aircraft and several other aerospace firms in a distinguished career that spanned over 40 years.
Shortly before he passed away however he revealed to Mark Q Patterson in an interview how he had been a part of several top secret projects including a US government backed UFO program that he claimed is based on reverse engineered alien technology.
A documentary containing the full interview can be viewed below.
In one of the videos, Bushman explains the connection between magnetism and gravitation. It's very interesting stuff, he claims that magnetism slows gravitation.
Bushman gave an example of an experiment that he conducted where he proved that the object with magnetos falls slower than the object without it. So I wouldn't discard this just because Lazar was babbling about something similar.
Respect to Mr. Bushman and his family. R.I.P. Now then, I personally think all of it is rubbish. None of this has been verified or validated so we can file this along with all the Sereda and  Lazar riff raff.
not really, its more in with John Hutchison and his dubious Hutchison Effect, he shot videos he claims were real others admitted fakes, of non metallic objects moving, and metal he claims got mushy but i could make metal do that with a welder and no, the scientific community isnt paying him any attention, unless its to and
The major problem for physics is a means of finding a theory of everything in which gravity is related to the other 3 known forces. This guy is putting out videos and making proclamations that just show his personal ignorance on the subject matter. This guy is just way behind the world in terms of a basic understanding of physics.
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