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Creatures, Myths & Legends

'Bigfoot' filmed traipsing through swamp

By T.K. Randall
January 29, 2015 · Comment icon 124 comments

The creature was lurking behind the foliage in the foreground. Image Credit: YouTube / Bigfoot Evidence
A mysterious figure was caught on camera by a canoist in marshlands outside of Tampa, Florida.
The video was recorded in Lettuce Lake Park, a 240-acre region of Hillsborough County consisting of extensive swampland and hardwood forests that remain popular visitor attractions.

The footage shows an unidentified creature slowly making its way through the water in the background while partially obscured by the foliage in the foreground. The figure is difficult to make out in detail but does appear to be humanoid in shape.
The person who filmed it had initially believed the creature to be a bear but was later told by a park ranger that bears are only rarely sighted in the area and generally keep away from the swamp.

"I never put much faith in the old skunk ape legends but when I looked closer I noticed that it had long, swinging arms and moved through very thick swamp with ease," he wrote.

Source: Bigfoot Evidence | Comments (124)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #115 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Comment icon #116 Posted by Insanity 10 years ago
Bigfoot Ale is a pretty good barleywine. If you want an interesting experience, try several consecutive vintages to see how the malt and hop characters change.
Comment icon #117 Posted by PrisonerX 10 years ago
The movements of the subject are way too heedless for me to consider this video to be authentic.
Comment icon #118 Posted by Sakari 10 years ago
Sierra Nevada, my favorite Beer maker.......
Comment icon #119 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 10 years ago
If you are referring to me, I do understand. I'm a pr*** about bigfoot shtuff in general, KevinP. I'm wasn't taking aim at you. You amaze me, QC, you really do. You know more about BF sightings and reports than I ever will yet, you do not believe. Maybe it's just me, but if I don't believe in - say, "slender man", it would be a cold day in hell that you would ever catch me posting in a slender man thread, let alone vigorously studying the subject matter. ¡Ay, caramba! LOL!
Comment icon #120 Posted by QuiteContrary 10 years ago
You amaze me, QC, you really do. You know more about BF sightings and reports than I ever will yet, you do not believe. Maybe it's just me, but if I don't believe in - say, "slender man", it would be a cold day in hell that you would ever catch me posting in a slender man thread, let alone vigorously studying the subject matter. ¡Ay, caramba! LOL! I'm hardly a lone non-believer in these threads, Earl. And quite a few non-believer posters in bigfoot threads on UM know far more than I do. One hardly has to believe in something to take an interest in it. UM is full of proof of that. So are movie... [More]
Comment icon #121 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Just like with Aliens, discussing Bigfoot and speculating on what would be required for them to exist is an interesting mental exercise and not at all a waste of time, IMHO. The government pays probably hundreds of people to sit around and think of "What If..?" situations. People say BF is impossible, but that is just ignorant. What BF is, is not evidenced. There isn't any earthly variable why BF could not be real. Food, habitat, anatomy, all can be discussed. Everything always comes back to, "Show me the body". Every other point can be discussed to death. And in many cases, the discussions ar... [More]
Comment icon #122 Posted by Sakari 10 years ago
BFRO actually debunked this pretty good....( I know, hard to believe ) Instead of copy pasting it all, just go here :
Comment icon #123 Posted by Merc14 10 years ago
BFRO actually debunked this pretty good....( I know, hard to believe ) Instead of copy pasting it all, just go here : Brutal. It must be tough to be a believer and have the rug pulled out from under you every time.
Comment icon #124 Posted by KevinP 10 years ago
Yeah, but when one is done this badly, it's in their own best interest to appear that they are paying attention and not just shouting "AMEN" to every obvious faked job that comes along.

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