The snow generated concern among local residents. Image Credit:
The Russian city of Saratov ended up painted orange this week as tinted snowflakes fell from the heavens.
Residents were left perplexed and concerned when they awoke to find that their neighborhood had been covered in a dusting of orange flakes with some areas also reporting snow that exhibited more of a yellowish tinge.
Some raised concerns over the possibility of radiation poisoning or that the snow contained some sort of harmful chemicals while others ended up seeking medical attention because they believed the strange coloring was down to a problem with their eyesight.
Fortunately however the phenomenon turned out to have a harmless explanation - the orange color was actually the result of sand from the Sahara being brought to Russia by a cyclone.
"The air coming from the West contains tiny particles of sand, which give the falling snow an orange hue," said weather expert Mikhail Boltukhin. "Similar phenomena have been observed recently in various districts of the region and in other parts of the country, particularly in Crimea."
QUOTE- (from the comments section) . Heres how the supposed "non lethal" weapons of us gov patriot act program works: If the targeted goyim is closeby, the goyim-master instructs you polonate on him/her by pointing your pocket device. Polonate means the device containing nano weapon polonator will release a spray or a beam of polonium 210 nano particles towards the victim's nose or mouth, causing him/her to inhale or ingest What are the technologies involved Nano technology, nanotubes filled with polonium 210 nano particles and High frequency rf, microwave, tetrahertz to propel the nano partic... [More]
volcano that erupted in Russia more than 3,000 miles away. Volcano Shiveluch in Kamchatka Krai was reported to have spewed debris up to 22,000ft in to the sky at the end of January.
QUOTE- (from the comments section) . Heres how the supposed "non lethal" weapons of us gov patriot act program works: If the targeted goyim is closeby, the goyim-master instructs you polonate on him/her by pointing your pocket device. Polonate means the device containing nano weapon polonator will release a spray or a beam of polonium 210 nano particles towards the victim's nose or mouth, causing him/her to inhale or ingest What are the technologies involved Nano technology, nanotubes filled with polonium 210 nano particles and High frequency rf, microwave, tetrahertz to propel the nano partic... [More]
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