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The UFO Phenomenon

UFO filmed narrowly missing Ryanair flight

By T.K. Randall
September 8, 2015 · Comment icon 34 comments

The UFO appears to pass very close to the aircraft. Image Credit: YouTube / Lions Ground
Footage recorded by an airline passenger shows a dark-colored object skirting the wings of the plane.
The aircraft had been traveling from Malaga in Spain to Eindhoven in the Netherlands when the unidentified object zipped past it at high speed while narrowly missing the right wing.

Of particular interest is the fact that the engines of the plane can be heard revving up just a few seconds after the near-miss and the pilot appears to take a sharp turn as if to avoid something.

Since being uploaded on to YouTube at the beginning of this month the footage has proven very popular with more than 100,000 views and a significant amount of media coverage.
"A Dutch passenger captured UFO on video while on board a Ryanair flight from Netherlands (Eindhoven), heading to Spain," the video caption states.

"Coincidentally, the passenger was recording because she enjoyed the view. After four minutes, the recording of this UFO event happened. The engines made a lot of noise and the pilot made suddenly a sharp manoeuvre.The UFO endangered the aircraft. A lot of panic was on that plane."

So far however the events described have yet to be corroborated by any of the parties involved.

Source: | Comments (34)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #25 Posted by Rlyeh 10 years ago
Love how the title of the video starts with "Hostile UFO.."
Comment icon #26 Posted by MissJatti 10 years ago
Seems like the pilot wanted to collide with the UFO, by banking to one side, and hitting the UFO on to the left/right side wing
Comment icon #27 Posted by Norbert the Powerful 10 years ago
Why doesn't someone ask the perpetrator of this video what flight this was and when (it was obviously some time ago, from the snow), and see if the pilot filed a near miss report, or if there was any mention at the time of anything that might cause people to scream in panic?
Comment icon #28 Posted by Kurzweil 10 years ago
Was that narrated by Yakov Smirnoff?
Comment icon #29 Posted by BeastieRunner 10 years ago
The comments below that video are unbelievable. I checked because I'm a masochist. It did not disappoint. Awful lot of debate for a pilot trying to not hit a bird.
Comment icon #30 Posted by Two of Hearts 10 years ago
added sound effect? faek
Comment icon #31 Posted by highdesert50 10 years ago
Although bird sensitive radar, to about 10 grams, is currently being tested, the weather radar on commercial aircraft is not likely to resolve a single bird. So, as there are over 10,000 reported bird strikes per year to aircraft and about 60% occur on landing phases, this near bird miss on approach, if that is what it is, is indeed fortunate, If we are speculating that this UFO is of different origin, then the interpretation becomes a matter of much more decisive evidence yielding a defendable interpretation.
Comment icon #32 Posted by FTWind 10 years ago
To believe in ufos is becoming a little bit like still believing in Santa . Its sad with all the claims and videos that not one high resolution camera is used to record these events. Which leads me to believe in the future there will be less UFO claims because of the advancements in cameras.
Comment icon #33 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
If we assume the plane was moving at a constant speed, then why does the UFO move at about the same speed when passing the plane and then when going back to the rear? Shouldn't the UFO have gone by so fast at the end that if wouldn't have even have been noticeable? But, no, it appears to pass the plane going forward at like maybe 15 to 20 mph faster, and then it returns and passes the plane going the other way, at.... 15 to 20 mph. Amazing coincidence? Or was it done specifically so people would be able to see the UFO, yet it still could be claimed to be blurry from movement?? :alien:
Comment icon #34 Posted by zac509 10 years ago
Euros are awesome

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