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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Did US troops encounter Bigfoot in Vietnam ?

By T.K. Randall
September 12, 2015 · Comment icon 91 comments

Could a new species of ape be hiding in Vietnam's jungles ? Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.5 Diliff
A significant number of soldiers reported encounters with an ape-like creature in the jungles of Vietnam.
Stories of large hairy hominids have cropped up in many parts of the world - most notably in Russia, North America, Australia and the Himalayas. One of the lesser known such legends however hails from Vietnam - in particular from the time of the Vietnam War from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Known by the locals as "Nguoi Rung" or "the people of the forest", this Bigfoot-like creature was allegedly encountered on numerous occasions by US serviceman in Vietnam's jungles.

One such incident was reported by Gary Linderer who, while on a six-man patrol with the 101st Airborne, came across a creature that he described as being "5ft tall with long, muscular arms".

In another case army Sgt. Thomas Jenkins reported that his platoon had been attacked by a group of unidentified ape-like creatures throwing rocks.
Even the Vietcong reported encounters with ape-beasts covered in reddish-brown hair.

Following the war a number of notable scientists traveled to the remote jungles of Vietnam in an effort to track down the creature that the soldiers had been seeing.

Both ornithologist Dr. Vo Quy and Vietnamese scientist Tran Hong Viet managed to discover and document footprints that didn't seem to match any known species of native primate.

Zoologist John MacKinnon, who had previously found evidence of a similar creature in the wilds of Borneo, described the area as a "tiny, pristine corner of the world unknown to modern science."

To date however no new species of ape matching the soldiers' reports has ever been found.

Source: We Are the Mighty | Comments (91)

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Comment icon #82 Posted by Frank Merton 9 years ago
You never answered if a illegal logging team would kill the apes, or turn them in. I can't believe that every illegal activity is closely monitored in a nation the size of California. Oh I don't know; plenty of illegal logging takes place and I'm pretty sure the government knows all about it and certain people get their cut. Your apes are hypothetical beyond the point of needing a response. It kinda gets me how people like you make some hypothesis and then use the hypothesis as evidence. Not very clear thought process is all I can imagine.
Comment icon #83 Posted by DieChecker 9 years ago
Respect for that DieChecker (genuinely). Nothing wrong with lively debate, or disagreement. In fact, disagreement and resulting discussion can be healthy. As to the Bili Ape...Ammann, an experienced African wildlife photographer, set out to find new populations of "Gorillas". A species that was already known and catalogued and that already existed in this part of the world. He settled on the Bondo area because of the physical evidence in the form of skulls that indicated they were there. That scientists threw doubt on the claim of a new sub species "uellensis" based on them, doesn't mean no on... [More]
Comment icon #84 Posted by DieChecker 9 years ago
Oh I don't know; plenty of illegal logging takes place and I'm pretty sure the government knows all about it and certain people get their cut. Your apes are hypothetical beyond the point of needing a response. It kinda gets me how people like you make some hypothesis and then use the hypothesis as evidence. Not very clear thought process is all I can imagine. Read my previous post. Might these be a big kind of short tail/no tail macaque? Or a big sub-species of gibbon? I'm not calling my opinion evidence. I'm suggesting what many US soldiers may have seen.
Comment icon #85 Posted by FTWind 9 years ago
Read my previous post. Might these be a big kind of short tail/no tail macaque? Or a big sub-species of gibbon? I'm not calling my opinion evidence. I'm suggesting what many US soldiers may have seen. In all fairness, unless I read wrong(or not enough), it was not clear if the soldiers were using the term "rock apes" in a dederogatory sense or not.
Comment icon #86 Posted by DieChecker 9 years ago
In all fairness, unless I read wrong(or not enough), it was not clear if the soldiers were using the term "rock apes" in a dederogatory sense or not. The OP article does say that the locals have a name, Nguoi Rung, for these apes. The soldiers reported a heavy brow and deep set eyes and with long arms and a large torso. Doesn't match up with the locals that much, I think. I think a large gibbon sub-species might match up well though. Even though the soldiers also reported them being five feet tall....
Comment icon #87 Posted by Poltergeistnz 9 years ago
Bigfoot is everywhere and yet nowhere!
Comment icon #88 Posted by Horta 9 years ago
I have spoken to several big foot enthusiasts, have even spoken to people that swear up and down they have seen the mythical creature. It's just sad to see so many people believe in something so strongly when the evidence or lack there of makes the existence of the creature implausible. Same with religion, horoscopes, even believeing scientist(say Steven Hawkins) coming off the top of there head with theoretic theory. The thing about scientist is I've been reading about how some of them have been stamping there own work to avoid peer review.smh Agree in many ways. The push for "open science" (... [More]
Comment icon #89 Posted by Horta 9 years ago
Creatures found out of their normal range/ new subspecies etc. is far more plausible. Though if there were any of these "bigfoot" type cryptids, this part of the world is by far the most plausible place they would be expected to exist. Large areas of suitable habitat. Extant great ape species already in the area. A fascinating fossil record from India all the way down to Indonesia. Gigantopithecus and lots of others. The last known prehistoric human fossils (ie. non anatomically modern humans) found in a cave in China that were there as recently as 12,000 yrs ago. The hobbit that was also quit... [More]
Comment icon #90 Posted by Merc14 9 years ago
How is this purported ape related, in any way, to the so called Bigfoot? They are 5 feet tall and described as ape like which means it walks predominately on all fours while BF is 8 feet tall and walks bipedal. It doesn't seem to mind being seen by humans, apparently and actually attacks when its territory is violated on foot or by air, two things bigfoot is famous for NOT doing. So physically and behaviorally it is not related to bigfoot in any way and its habitat bares little resemblance to the pacific northwest so this is in the bigfoot conversation why? Sounds more like a big chimp to me.
Comment icon #91 Posted by Horta 9 years ago
How is this purported ape related, in any way, to the so called Bigfoot? They are 5 feet tall and described as ape like which means it walks predominately on all fours while BF is 8 feet tall and walks bipedal. It doesn't seem to mind being seen by humans, apparently and actually attacks when its territory is violated on foot or by air, two things bigfoot is famous for NOT doing. So physically and behaviorally it is not related to bigfoot in any way and its habitat bares little resemblance to the pacific northwest so this is in the bigfoot conversation why? Sounds more like a big chimp to me. ... [More]

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